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xcp run to vidblain room malfunctions #95

Closed mtrp12 closed 2 years ago

mtrp12 commented 3 years ago

During room cp, an xcp to a vidblain room from outside vidblain does not work correctly. It tries to calculate vidblain portion of the speedwalk from outside vidblain and as a result, gets incorrect speedwalk offset. Example below. image

This speedwalk was suppose to be 2 speed walk, one to go to vidblain, another to go the room after vidblain. But as you can see, its merged together instead and the speedwalk offset after "enter hole" is consequently incorrect.

It used to work correctly. The only thing that changed since last remort doing cp is that I set a vidblain portal set to level 82. Also, xset vidblain is on. The issue occured when I was level 61 or below.

mtrp12 commented 3 years ago

this issue arose because i put a cexit for "enter hole". I removed the cexit. It will probably solve the issue. Based on this it feels like, snd is doing a mapper run directly to the room. It wasn't suppose to do that, if I understand correctly. Please, close the issue, if you like it. My problem is solved for now.