AbdeltwabMF / loc

Free and open-source location-based reminder for Android.
GNU General Public License v3.0
35 stars 6 forks source link

Upload the app on F-Droid #1

Open body20002 opened 1 year ago

body20002 commented 1 year ago

F-Droid is a free and opensource android market that contains only free and opensource apps please consider uploading your app to it

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

One minor problem with that:

Offending libs:
* Google Mobile Services (/com/google/android/gms): NonFreeDep

1 offenders.

And not just mentioning the problem, I also have some hints on possible solutions: that dependency was dragged in by the Flutter Geolocator Plugin. Here are some hints on how to fix that (e.g. by a drop-in replacement). Could you try that, please?

And adding to the request by @body20002 so you don't have to dig on what to do: once the above problem is solved, be welcome to open an Request For Packaging with F-Droid. One more thing to fix before that, though: The APK at tag v0.20 identifies as

package: name='org.abdeltwabmf.loc' versionCode='1' versionName='0.1.0'

which does not match. Please remember to always increase versionCode with each release (this is very important as Android uses versionCode to decide if an APK is considered an update), and keep versionName in sync with the tag name (for the humans to read). So with the current tag v0.20, this should read:

package: name='org.abdeltwabmf.loc' versionCode='2' versionName='0.20'

(versionCode: 2 as there is already a previous release). This would be done here by changing that line to

version: 0.20+2

(or maybe better switch to semantic versioning and make that version: 0.2.0+2, with a tag name of v0.2.0. Not mandatory, just a suggestion, and hence in parenthesis)

Thanks in advance! And to make good for the request-of-change which causes you a little time, your app will become available here in about an hour. That's my F-Droid repo, which often serves as stepping stone to F-Droid.org – especially for apps like yours which are pretty close to meet the stronger inclusion criteria there, but still need a little work to reach them fully. Once ready, I gladly assist you with your listing there (disclosure: I'm one of the F-Droid maintainers).

AbdeltwabMF commented 1 year ago

@IzzySoft Thank you for your advice and kindness. I'll replace any nonfreedeps as soon as I can.

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

Wonderful, thanks a lot! Also for adding the link :smiley:

AbdeltwabMF commented 1 year ago

@IzzySoft My request for packaging is here. Thank you.

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

I've just sent you the metadata I've set up in my repo, so you can silence the complaints of the Issuebot about missing Fastlane. The other red flags can most likely be ignored (at least for now).

6543 commented 8 months ago

65 migt also help with this issue