The R package texor will ease your LaTeX R Journal / Sweave article migration to web format by providing tools and utilities.
Install pandoc v3.1 or greater, ideally latest version. If you are using Rstudio, it should be pre-installed.
# To check the version of pandoc
# or to simply check if you are good to go in terms of pandoc
# TRUE if pandoc is good to go, else FALSE
For included PDF conversions also install poppler-utils (used with pdftools package) Ideally install the latest version of poppler-utils.
Install the mainline version from CRAN with:
Install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
# install.packages("pak")
here is a quick example to use texor package with a sample RJournal article (included with the package inst/article)
# for a single LaTeX article
# A running example
article_dir <- system.file("examples/article", package = "texor")
dir.create(your_article_folder <- file.path(tempdir(), "tempdir"))
x <- file.copy(from = article_dir, to = your_article_folder,recursive = TRUE,)
your_article_path <- paste(your_article_folder,"article",sep="/")
# view your original article at
#Note : Do not use example = TRUE param when working with conversions.
# It is set TRUE here, to conform with CRAN/Build check restrictions.
texor::latex_to_web(your_article_path,log_steps = FALSE, example = TRUE)
# view your converted and original article at
Similar to the conversion of R journal articles, pass the file path(instead of the folder path) to the function.
# Additionally you can set the options to modify the end result as per your needs.
# for multiple articles in RJ folder structure
#base dir
article_dir <- "C:/Users/abhis/path/to/base"
# list of journal number directories
journal_dirs <- list.dirs(article_dir,recursive = FALSE)
# list of individual slug directories
slug_dirs <- lapply(journal_dirs,function(journal_dir) {
list.dirs(journal_dir,recursive = FALSE)
# creating a single list of all slug directories
slug_dirs <- unlist(slug_dirs)
# Calling
for (dir in slug_dirs) {
# below function will create a log file of success/error in current
# working directory while running the texor::latex_to_web() function