Abjad / abjad

Abjad is a Python API for building LilyPond files. Use Abjad to make PDFs of music notation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
239 stars 39 forks source link

Suppress parser debug output during API build #853

Closed trevorbaca closed 6 years ago

trevorbaca commented 7 years ago

More than 100,000 lines of parser output now appear at doc-build time:

Now building the mainline HTML docs ...
sphinx-build -b html -d build/doctrees   source build/html
Running Sphinx v1.6.3
loading pickled environment... done
building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date
building [html]: targets for 0 source files that are out of date
updating environment: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 removed
reading sources... [100%] api/tools/agenttools/InspectionAgent                  
    [abjad-book] interpreting: 1 / 53Created by PLY version 3.10 (http://www.dabeaz.com/ply)
Parsing method: LALR

state 0

    (0) S' -> . start_symbol
    (1) start_symbol -> . lilypond
    (191) lilypond -> .
    (192) lilypond -> . lilypond assignment
    (193) lilypond -> . lilypond error
    (194) lilypond -> . lilypond toplevel_expression

    error           reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    STRING          reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    MARKUP_IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    MARKUP          reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    MARKUPLIST_IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    MARKUPLIST      reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    HEADER          reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    SCORE           reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    SCM_IDENTIFIER  reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    SCM_TOKEN       reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    SCM_FUNCTION    reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    MUSIC_IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    CONTEXT         reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    NEWCONTEXT      reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    MUSIC_FUNCTION  reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    SEQUENTIAL      reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    DOUBLE_ANGLE_OPEN reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    SIMULTANEOUS    reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    LAYOUT          reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    MIDI            reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    PAPER           reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    {               reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)
    $end            reduce using rule 191 (lilypond -> .)

    start_symbol                   shift and go to state 1
    lilypond                       shift and go to state 2

state 1

    (0) S' -> start_symbol .

state 2

    (1) start_symbol -> lilypond .
    (192) lilypond -> lilypond . assignment
    (193) lilypond -> lilypond . error
    (194) lilypond -> lilypond . toplevel_expression
    (2) assignment -> . assignment_id = identifier_init
    (3) assignment -> . embedded_scm
    (361) toplevel_expression -> . composite_music
    (362) toplevel_expression -> . full_markup
    (363) toplevel_expression -> . full_markup_list
    (364) toplevel_expression -> . lilypond_header
    (365) toplevel_expression -> . output_def
    (366) toplevel_expression -> . score_block
    (4) assignment_id -> . STRING
    (67) embedded_scm -> . embedded_scm_bare
    (68) embedded_scm -> . scm_function_call
    (28) composite_music -> . complex_music
    (29) composite_music -> . music_bare
    (104) full_markup -> . MARKUP_IDENTIFIER
    (105) full_markup -> . MARKUP markup_top
    (106) full_markup_list -> . MARKUPLIST_IDENTIFIER
    (107) full_markup_list -> . MARKUPLIST markup_list
    (195) lilypond_header -> . HEADER { lilypond_header_body }
    (263) output_def -> . output_def_body }
    (303) score_block -> . SCORE { score_body }
    (75) embedded_scm_bare -> . SCM_IDENTIFIER
    (76) embedded_scm_bare -> . SCM_TOKEN
    (301) scm_function_call -> . SCM_FUNCTION function_arglist
    (24) complex_music -> . complex_music_prefix music
    (25) complex_music -> . music_function_call
    (230) music_bare -> . MUSIC_IDENTIFIER
    (231) music_bare -> . grouped_music_list
    (264) output_def_body -> . output_def_body assignment
    (265) output_def_body -> . output_def_head_with_mode_switch {
    (266) output_def_body -> . output_def_head_with_mode_switch { OUTPUT_DEF_IDENTIFIER
    (26) complex_music_prefix -> . CONTEXT simple_string optional_id optional_context_mod
    (27) complex_music_prefix -> . NEWCONTEXT simple_string optional_id optional_context_mod
    (232) music_function_call -> . MUSIC_FUNCTION function_arglist
    (178) grouped_music_list -> . sequential_music
    (179) grouped_music_list -> . simultaneous_music
    (270) output_def_head_with_mode_switch -> . output_def_head
    (318) sequential_music -> . SEQUENTIAL braced_music_list
    (319) sequential_music -> . braced_music_list
    (338) simultaneous_music -> . DOUBLE_ANGLE_OPEN music_list DOUBLE_ANGLE_CLOSE
    (339) simultaneous_music -> . SIMULTANEOUS braced_music_list
    (267) output_def_head -> . LAYOUT
    (268) output_def_head -> . MIDI
    (269) output_def_head -> . PAPER
    (12) braced_music_list -> . { music_list }

    $end            reduce using rule 1 (start_symbol -> lilypond .)
    error           shift and go to state 39
    STRING          shift and go to state 12
    MARKUP_IDENTIFIER shift and go to state 31
    MARKUP          shift and go to state 28
    MARKUPLIST_IDENTIFIER shift and go to state 42
    MARKUPLIST      shift and go to state 26
    HEADER          shift and go to state 47
    SCORE           shift and go to state 11
    SCM_IDENTIFIER  shift and go to state 21
    SCM_TOKEN       shift and go to state 22
    SCM_FUNCTION    shift and go to state 36
    MUSIC_IDENTIFIER shift and go to state 9
    CONTEXT         shift and go to state 40
    NEWCONTEXT      shift and go to state 20
    MUSIC_FUNCTION  shift and go to state 33
    SEQUENTIAL      shift and go to state 44
    DOUBLE_ANGLE_OPEN shift and go to state 43
    SIMULTANEOUS    shift and go to state 25
    LAYOUT          shift and go to state 18
    MIDI            shift and go to state 16
    PAPER           shift and go to state 45
    {               shift and go to state 19

    complex_music_prefix           shift and go to state 29
    output_def_head                shift and go to state 30
    composite_music                shift and go to state 3
    embedded_scm                   shift and go to state 4
    assignment_id                  shift and go to state 5
    score_block                    shift and go to state 32
    complex_music                  shift and go to state 6
    sequential_music               shift and go to state 7
    grouped_music_list             shift and go to state 13
    output_def                     shift and go to state 34
    full_markup_list               shift and go to state 10
    scm_function_call              shift and go to state 8
    full_markup                    shift and go to state 38
    music_bare                     shift and go to state 35
    assignment                     shift and go to state 17
    lilypond_header                shift and go to state 37
    toplevel_expression            shift and go to state 15
    simultaneous_music             shift and go to state 14
    embedded_scm_bare              shift and go to state 41
    output_def_body                shift and go to state 23
    braced_music_list              shift and go to state 24
    music_function_call            shift and go to state 46
    output_def_head_with_mode_switch shift and go to state 27

state 3

    (361) toplevel_expression -> composite_music .

    error           reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    STRING          reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    MARKUP_IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    MARKUP          reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    MARKUPLIST_IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    MARKUPLIST      reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    HEADER          reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    SCORE           reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    SCM_IDENTIFIER  reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    SCM_TOKEN       reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    SCM_FUNCTION    reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    MUSIC_IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    CONTEXT         reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    NEWCONTEXT      reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    MUSIC_FUNCTION  reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    SEQUENTIAL      reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    DOUBLE_ANGLE_OPEN reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    SIMULTANEOUS    reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    LAYOUT          reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    MIDI            reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    PAPER           reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    {               reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)
    $end            reduce using rule 361 (toplevel_expression -> composite_music .)

< ... SNIP ... >

state 598

    (288) property_operation -> OVERRIDE simple_string property_path = scalar .

    }               reduce using rule 288 (property_operation -> OVERRIDE simple_string property_path = scalar .)
    CONTEXT_MOD_IDENTIFIER reduce using rule 288 (property_operation -> OVERRIDE simple_string property_path = scalar .)
    OVERRIDE        reduce using rule 288 (property_operation -> OVERRIDE simple_string property_path = scalar .)
    REVERT          reduce using rule 288 (property_operation -> OVERRIDE simple_string property_path = scalar .)
    STRING          reduce using rule 288 (property_operation -> OVERRIDE simple_string property_path = scalar .)
    UNSET           reduce using rule 288 (property_operation -> OVERRIDE simple_string property_path = scalar .)
    SCM_IDENTIFIER  reduce using rule 288 (property_operation -> OVERRIDE simple_string property_path = scalar .)
    SCM_TOKEN       reduce using rule 288 (property_operation -> OVERRIDE simple_string property_path = scalar .)
    SCM_FUNCTION    reduce using rule 288 (property_operation -> OVERRIDE simple_string property_path = scalar .)
    WITH            reduce using rule 288 (property_operation -> OVERRIDE simple_string property_path = scalar .)

    [abjad-book] interpreting: 53 / 53

installing lightbox files... [100%] lightbox2/js/lightbox.js                    
looking for now-outdated files... none found
pickling environment... done
trevorbaca commented 6 years ago

Did this one together with @josiah-wolf-oberholtzer at CCRMA.