AbraaoAlves / java-spring-npc

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NPC Project

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Get Starter

run this project inside the configured container by .devcontainer. See how to open this run this in your machine


run this project using Github CodeSpace, clicking here:

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Open two terminals

  1. first run: (this will run java spring boot in developer mode)
  mvn spring-boot:run
  1. second run: (this will run react vite in developer mode)
  cd ui && npm run dev

For more details about UI project, see this README.md

Application Architecture

Spring Boot exports REST Apis using Spring Web MVC & interactsrations & finder methods with Spring D.

React Client sends HTTP Requests and retrieves HTTP Responses using Axios. React Router is used for navigating to pages.


Rest Apis Back-end

These are APIs that Spring Boot App will export:

Methods Urls Actions
POST /api/users create a new User
GET /api/users paginated users
GET /api/users/:id retrieve a user by :id
PUT /api/users/:id update a user by :id
DELETE /api/users/:id DELETE a user by :id