AbreezaSaleem / react-voice-recorder-player

Voice Recorder Component for React
MIT License
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Can't use multiple instances of voice recorder #4

Closed madelahsan closed 1 year ago

madelahsan commented 1 year ago

If you attempt to utilize multiple instances of the voice recorder, it stop functioning properly. https://codesandbox.io/s/react-voice-recorder-player-example-forked-7466se

faizaniqbalLC commented 1 year ago

It is working fine. I have checked on your provided codesanbox link. Could you please explain more about the error that you are facing.

AbreezaSaleem commented 1 year ago

The issue actually exists. It is due to the same naming being used in multiple components. Name collision if you'd like the proper term for this. Thanks for pointing this out OP, I will be pushing its fix soon.

madelahsan commented 1 year ago

The issue actually exists. It is due to the same naming being used in multiple components. Name collision if you'd like the proper term for this. Thanks for pointing this out OP, I will be pushing its fix soon.

Thank you Abreeza. I will be looking forward to the fix. Meanwhile I will also try to fix it on my end and If I successfully fixed it I will make a PR.

AbreezaSaleem commented 1 year ago

Here are my findings after further investigation into the issue:


It is worth mentioning that this is a classic example of the Name Collision problem.

Proposed Solution

Create a unique identifier for the root element and fetch the children element through that.

Example code:

    const rootElement = document.querySelector(<unique-identifier>);

    // fetch the children element through this parent element
    const child1 = rootElement.querySelector('class-name-1');
    const child2 = rootElement.querySelector('class-name-2');

This approach will ensure that the search for the elements is confined within the particular instance of the VoiceRecorder component, eliminating the root problem.

To implement this solution we'll need to generate unique ids. We can do this directly within the component using the useId hook. Its value will be used as a prefix for the already existing classname of the root component. Then we can store this uniqueID within React Context so it's available everywhere and we can use it to fetch the Root Component and use that to fetch the children components.

I'm putting this solution out here so everyone can have an open discussion on this. After that, I'll deploy the fix.

AbreezaSaleem commented 1 year ago

Fix deployed: v1.1.0

madelahsan commented 1 year ago

Thank you @AbreezaSaleem for taking your time to fix this.