AckerApple / agm-overlays

Custom marker overlay for the @agm/core package
MIT License
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Overlays with Info Window #5

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Overlays seem to break agm-info-window

AckerApple commented 6 years ago

Wow thats a lot of details

AckerApple commented 6 years ago

yeah we'll maybe get to you

a lot quicker if you gave details

We have not yet used info windows and no plans to in our private projects so you gonna need to pull a lot of details out or a pull request

ghost commented 6 years ago

if you do


<agm-info-window> does not behave the same way as having it as a sub element of <agm-marker>

I thought that agm-overlay was the same as agm-marker but with the ability to customize the marker while still having the info window feature.

AckerApple commented 6 years ago

agm-overlay uses the same MarkerManager that agm core markers use so yes they can be considered the same.

“does not behave the same” is not broke but also that statement still doesn’t help me. How does it not behave as expected.

Listen, if you want this feature to work as expected, you gonna have to work out getting me screen captures and or better descriptions. Or get what you need from another package

With custom html, we have not much need nor use for an info window cause we just have html do all controls and displays

AckerApple commented 6 years ago

We did info windows as html absolute positioned elements.

I see agm core marker has some binding for an info window. Seems like BS next to an html absolute positioned element.

We might add this. You seem smart ass enough to make a pull request. Why don’t you do it? Mr. I assumed it just worked like marker. Assume makes an ass out of who and who?


AckerApple commented 6 years ago

InfoWindow would be easy to add following the following code:

But you come in here with a 10 day old github account with NO activity and leave a one sentence of its broke. You gonna have to wait or make a pull request. This task is an easy one. We have no immediate need for InfoWindow. I'm so known for doing small easy tasks for those who approach free code with the right finesse. Please consider this next time submitting an issue anywhere. Even a friendly github profile icon can go a long way so I don't feel you're some nobody nagging about free code

ghost commented 6 years ago

No need to get so defensive over your code. It would be good to give some time for people to respond. Since no one has mentioned info-window for this package I wanted to make the community aware that there may be issues with info-window if their intention was to use it. Sorry about the lack of detail off the bat.

Below illustrates the issue I’m seeing. Now I may not be using agm-overlay correctly as I just tried it out for the first time and have only read through the documentation.

Using AGM's guide:

<agm-map [latitude]="59.326242" [longitude]="17.8419719">
  <agm-marker [latitude]="59.326242" [longitude]="17.8419719">
  <agm-overlay [latitude]="59.326242" [longitude]="19.2419719">
    <!-- blue html square -->
    <div style="width:15px;height:15px;background-color:blue;"></div>


I was expecting clicking the marker overlay to show Börk in the agm-info-window. Instead the word Börk was displayed below the overlay and lacked the bubble. agm-overlay may not support some of the features of agm-info-window but I didn't see it mentioned anywhere.

AckerApple commented 6 years ago

I will add this ability for you. Anyone who can tolerate my bold snarky attitude without being as equally rude, deserves my time.

Will report with-in three days

AckerApple commented 6 years ago

Aquire version 1.1.3

Check it out. See if agm-info-window works to your liking

ghost commented 6 years ago

Nice work. Works as expected.

I was able to reproduce it too. Here is the proof: image

AckerApple commented 6 years ago


Consider this in closing: The agm github repo has a ton of issues and pull requests and seemingly no new action and as if the owner has gone off the map (pun intended). It seems to happen with over popular packages.

I'm here to try a different way, approach, and social manner in being apart of Open Source code. I do apologize for my harsh direct snappy retort to your issue report, I do. I hope you will consider following me and my packages and perhaps help steer this world in a better direction.

Special request, I like to remember the people I work with visually: Please consider updating to a real Github icon

Farewell coder

AckerApple commented 6 years ago

Thank you much! Great to be seeing you.

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