Closed AdamMooers closed 3 months ago has a setting to drive one part of the differential output low (I also noticed it's spelled incorrectly...), which is what the manual recommends. I think I messed up which pins are a part of which pair so the file has to be changed to the correct outputs, but there will still be enough pins for 8 DACs and 8 ADCs.
A few of the pins on PMOD B and C needed to be rearranged to prevent cross-talk. The comment about grounding was helpful. Thanks!
See ada800a6654378492d7a015fd21d6139a67b9e99
(I am planning to start committing future changes using gitflow but this commit is directly into the picorv32 branch)
The PMOD outputs will need to be re-arranged to avoid using the high speed differential outputs as single-ended outputs since this can cause significant crosstalk:
A few possibilities:
It would probably be best to avoid the high-speed differential outputs altogether unless the application shows it to be necessary.