AdguardTeam / FiltersRegistry

Known filters subscriptions transformed for better compatibility with AdGuard
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Add a new group of filters ("hosts filters") #68

Closed ameshkov closed 5 months ago

ameshkov commented 6 years ago

There are quite a few domain-level filters we are ignoring because they don't use the "adblock" syntax:


Instead of ignoring them we could do the following:

  1. Mark them with a special tag (hosts)
  2. Convert them into the adblock syntax automatically

We will need to enhance filters-compiler so that it was able to do the conversion.

We will then be able to list these filters in the "privacy subscriptions" of the iOS app, and in the DNS filters in the Android app.

ameshkov commented 6 years ago

@lancelot-moon the filters you requested may land here after all:)

lancelot-moon commented 6 years ago

I start to think you're like a wishing machine. Thanks for listening to users' wishes or ideas. And sorry if bothering you.

I don't know how you will design the subscriptions of AG for Android v3. As a user, I wish AG for Android v3 will allow to separately subscribe filters for HTTPS filtering and for DNS filtering by URL.

I mean 2 zones of subscriptions. For HTTP(S) filtering: (supported formats: basic & advanced adblock rule syntax) AdGuard Base filter AdGuard Mobile Ads filter Piperun's iplogger filter ...etc.

For DNS filtering when enabling DNS setting and allow DNS requests blocking: (supported formats: domains, hosts file, basic adblock rule syntax and even ip) AdGuard SDN filter CoinBlockerLists ...etc.

Of course, if AdGuard will put some good filters in the known list, it's good and thoughtful.

Thanks a lot!

lancelot-moon commented 5 years ago

@ameshkov Badmojr just updated his Complete list = addon + mini list He added and some domains which may break pages in the complete list.

I think it's better to only use the mini list. Mini list: The mini list is suitable to most users. The filter developer didn't own any more.

New URL: hosts file:

Only domains format:


lancelot-moon commented 4 years ago

1Hosts website changed its domain name but its domain is frequently down. ->

Maybe better to use his GitHub link:

There are more incorrect blocking in Pro and Complete lists. Suggest to only use the link of 1Hosts (mini) from GitHub.

adblock format:

hosts file format:

lancelot-moon commented 4 years ago Chinese ad domains list:

ameshkov commented 4 years ago

Yeah, with how it goes we will soon have to finally implement this task.

I'd also like to split AdGuard SDN filter list into smaller parts (ads, privacy, etc, etc).

balupton commented 3 years ago

These dotfiles have a select-hosts command to make selecting and apply hosts files easy.

Even supports setting an ENV variables for NoFap accountability.