AdnanC / HDT.Plugins.MetaDetector

Based on cards played, detect what deck opponent is playing
44 stars 13 forks source link

When playing cards like Thoughtsteal the plugin does not track. #21

Open TheDevHub opened 7 years ago

TheDevHub commented 7 years ago

Bold = Topic

So this plugin is pretty lit, I like it. I've modified it a little to have a few filters that make sense to me (one addition I made which might be a good one for your project is that I have the quest detected decks filtered out after opponent turn 3 if they haven't played a quest and there are other matching decks. If a quest is played at all, it will un-filter these quest decks and display them as per usual).

However the issue that I fixed on my end which I think should be on yours is that when you play card stealing cards like thoughtsteal, then it should be added to the opponent owned cards (assume that there is one of that card, unless you steal two) to help filter out the meta list.

Evanito commented 7 years ago

These are some very cool suggestions you made! Would you mind making a pull request with your changes? It would probably save them a lot of time in adding it.