Advanced-Rocketry / AdvancedRocketry

Space mod for minecraft
MIT License
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Compiling AR 1.12 fails due to Jackson Core dependency changes #2362

Open Bysokar opened 11 months ago

Bysokar commented 11 months ago

Hi All,

Compiling the current AR 1.12.2 version fails due to jackson core requiring Java 19.

java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.gradle.api.GradleException: Failed to create Jar file C:\Users\username.gradle\caches\jars-9\b868ab677410c01cf9b5a0e29a035e73\jackson-core-2.15.2.jar.

Unsupported Major Version 63 is the error.

This is resolved in Gradle 7.6.1 onwards, however I have then run into issues with MinecraftForge compiling - the referred library is referencing a site which is no longer free to access.

Could not resolve net.minecraftforge:legacydev: Required by: project : > net.minecraftforge:forge:1.12.2- Could not resolve net.minecraftforge:legacydev: Could not get resource ''. Could not GET ''. Received status code 409 from server: Conflict

Are you able to assist with resolving these issues? You'll likely run into them if you pick up development again.

Bysokar commented 11 months ago

Worth noting ive since identified this as related to a dependency of the compilation tools to publish to curse etc and have stripped all non-essential functions from gradle in the version I am using. Works for now.

Burchard36 commented 11 months ago

Worth noting ive since identified this as related to a dependency of the compilation tools to publish to curse etc and have stripped all non-essential functions from gradle in the version I am using. Works for now.

Are you able to provide the gradle that you used? This would be really great for any of us wanting to do forks & fixes as its entirely unusable as of now (Got the unsupported class versioning fixed, however I keep running into the MinecraftForge issues with the unknown host)

Thanks in advance if you can provide a working fork and/or a working gradle file :)

Bysokar commented 11 months ago

Hey mate, can take the gradle config from

Note: The build of AR that we use depends on our server's coremod, it is not safe for public use, so dont take the whole repo.

The MinecraftForge issues are because Gradle 7.6.1+ doesn't support MC1.12.

dercodeKoenig commented 4 days ago

fixed in "Advanced Rocketry - Reworked" (