Adyen / adyen-android

Adyen Android Drop-in and Components
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3DS2 and MBWay payments issues when "Do Not Keep Activities" active #1535

Open ruimendesM opened 1 month ago

ruimendesM commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug It is impossible to complete a 3DS2 or a MBWay purchase with "Do Not Keep Activities" on with the Drop-In. Also there is no error being thrown in this case, Drop-In is restored in an "empty state".

We are now updating from 4.13.3 to 5.2.0 version of the Adyen Drop-In SDK, and we noticed that although this was an already existing issue on the previous version, it got a bit "worse" on the 5.2.0 release.

On the version 4.13.3 with DNKA:

On the version 5.2.0 with DNKA:

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior - 3DS2:

  1. Make sure the device is with DNKA active
  2. Start a payment that require 3DS2
  3. Input the code and proceed
  4. "Empty" drop-in is shown

Steps to reproduce the behavior - MBWay:

  1. Make sure the device is with DNKA active
  2. Start a payment MBWay
  3. While the payment is awaiting confirmation (see screenshot) go to background
  4. Bring app again back to foreground
  5. "Empty" drop-in is shown

Expected behavior Ideally we would be able to restore the activity and proceed in both scenarios. However, if not possible, Drop-In should at least throw an error so we could react, instead of simply showing an empty state.


Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context We currently are logging every instances in production where an Activity restoration is required while on the Adyen Drop-In and in the last 90 days it happened to 425 users. While this does not mean that the user encountered this problem (as in scenarios without 3DS2 or scenarios where user has not yet started the payment also fell into this bucket), it is an indication that the activity restoration is important and should ideally be handled (even if by simple throwing an error, if not fixable).


wrozwad commented 1 month ago

This is related to I think

araratthehero commented 1 month ago

Hi @ruimendesM, thank you for opening the bug request. I believe we are already working on a fix for this issue. Thank you @wrozwad for mentioning the related issue.

We will keep you updated on both issues, when there is a PR open with the fix.