Agoric has stopped investing in the realms-shim. We participate in advancing the realms proposal, but our primary energy is in the compartment shim and proposals (and the related lockdown, harden, ...). Either we transfer it to some other stakeholder of the realms proposal (attn @caridy), or we should shut it down. However, we also need to ensure that any relevant improvements made to the realms shim (such as @ExE-Boss's are also applied to the compartments / ses / lockdown shim (such as at
Agoric has stopped investing in the realms-shim. We participate in advancing the realms proposal, but our primary energy is in the compartment shim and proposals (and the related lockdown, harden, ...). Either we transfer it to some other stakeholder of the realms proposal (attn @caridy), or we should shut it down. However, we also need to ensure that any relevant improvements made to the realms shim (such as @ExE-Boss's are also applied to the compartments / ses / lockdown shim (such as at