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Things already in-game that need localization #153

Open Joshua-Leibold opened 5 months ago

Joshua-Leibold commented 5 months ago

Would be good if we could continuously add crowdsourced localization translations here. These are known tooltips that need localization:

Button/Tooltip/ChannelSnipe=After carefully aiming for seconds while not taking damage, the Ghost fires a sniper round dealing (+ vs. psionic) damage. Ignores armor.Can only target biological units. Behavior/Tooltip/CloakField2=Friendly ground units close enough to the Mothership are cloaked. Behavior/Tooltip/TemporalField=This unit's attack and movement speeds are reduced by %. Button/Name/CycloneResearchHurricaneThrusters=Research Hurricane Engines Button/Name/HurricaneThrusters=Hurricane Engines Button/Name/ResearchRavenInterferenceMatrix=Research Interference Matrix Button/Tooltip/BuildTechLabFactory=Vehicle-research structure. A Tech Lab can fit onto any production structure.Enables:- Siege Tanks- Thor with Armory Button/Tooltip/CloakingField=Creates a cloaking field around the Mothership for seconds, preventing enemy units from seeing and attacking nearby units and structures. A cloaked unit will only be revealed by detectors or effects. Button/Tooltip/CycloneResearchHurricaneThrusters=Increases the move speed of Cyclones. Button/Tooltip/DrillClaws=This unit burrows and unburrows faster. Button/Tooltip/EvolveCentrificalHooks=Banelings gain increased movement speed. Button/Tooltip/EvolveDiggingClaws=Lurkers burrow 40% faster. Button/Tooltip/GuardianShield=Creates a range aura that reduces incoming ranged damage to friendly units by . Lasts . Button/Tooltip/HurricaneThrusters=Increases the move speed of Cyclones. Button/Tooltip/ImmortalOverload=Absorbs up to damage. Lasts for seconds. This effect can only occur once every seconds. Button/Tooltip/LockOn=Locks the Cyclone's weapons on the target unit, increasing the Cyclone's range to and allowing it to move while firing. Cancels if target moves out of range. Button/Tooltip/Mothership=Ultimate Protoss vessel. Can use Strategic Recall, Time Warp, and Cloaking Field abilities.Can attack ground and air units. Button/Tooltip/ResearchDrillClaws=Allows Widow Mines to burrow and unburrow two times as fast. Button/Tooltip/ResearchMedivacEnergyUpgrade2=Increases the energy regeneration rate of Medivacs by %. Button/Tooltip/ResearchRavenInterferenceMatrix=Allows Ravens to use the Interference Matrix ability. Button/Tooltip/TechLabFactory=Vehicle-research structure. A Tech Lab can fit onto any production structure.Enables:- Siege Tanks- Thor with Armory Button/Tooltip/TempestGroundAttackUpgrade=Improves the Tempest's weapon to deal + damage vs structures. Button/Tooltip/TempestResearchGroundAttackUpgrade=Improves the Tempest's weapon to deal + damage vs structures. Error/Scrambled=Cannot target Interference Matrixed units RequirementNode/Tooltip/CountUpgradeHurricaneThrustersCompleteOnly114637382=Research Hurricane Engines at the Factory Tech Lab RequirementNode/Tooltip/CountUpgradeInterferenceMatrixCompleteOnly1603463487=Research Interference Matrix at the Starport Tech Lab RequirementNode/Tooltip/CountUpgradeMedivacCaduceusReactorCompleteOnly3015700321=Research Caduceus Reactor at the Fusion Core Upgrade/Name/HurricaneThrusters=Hurricane Engines Upgrade/Name/InterferenceMatrix=Interference Matrix

The languages that we need to find localizations for are:

eses = spanish/spain esmx = spanish/mexico frfr = french/france itit = italian/italy plpl = polish/poland ptbr = portugese/brazil ruru = russian/russia

These languages are also localized by SC2 but the council can (allegedly^tm) do these ones themselves:

kokr = korean/korea zhcn = chinese/china zhtw = chinese/taiwan

Joshua-Leibold commented 1 week ago

My Italian friend said not all of these are currently lacking from the game. Nevertheless, he has done his best to translate: SC2 Italian Localization Translation.txt

Joshua-Leibold commented 1 week ago

Ditto on Russian translations: SC2 Russian Localization Translation.txt

Joshua-Leibold commented 1 week ago

Ditto on Spanish (spain/eses) translations: SC2 Spanish eses Localization Translation.txt