Closed oblitum closed 2 years ago
I think the cursor highlight on braces needs a little fix. I use block cursor, but on this colorscheme, when I hover over a brace, it looks like the cursor jumps to the ending brace, because the highlighting changes the current color of the cursor and makes a block highlighting at the ending pair, which end ups looking like a cursor jump.
Hi @oblitum I created a PR #2 for Lightline support will merge it so you can use it ;) . As for cursor on braces what kind of fix you mean?
Hi @AhmedAbdulrahman, thanks for that, looks pretty nice, just tested.
As for the cursor issue, it's this:
I see then will fix that too and let you know :)
This should be fixed, can you confirm it?
Works for me :)
Hi, thanks for this theme, it's really beautiful. I miss lightline support (like there's in vim-deep-space and underword.vim for example), it would be great to have.