Aizistral-Studios / No-Chat-Reports

Disable Player Chat Reporting and make user messages untrackable.
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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Issue with Minehut and other proxy servers #247

Open Aizistral opened 1 year ago

Aizistral commented 1 year ago



Minecraft Version

1.19 - 1.19.2

Modloader Version


No Chat Reports Version

1.19.1 - 1.19.2

Modpack Info

No response

The latest.log File

No response

Bug Description

This is particularly prevalent with, but can happen with other servers that use Velocity or some other kind of proxy.

The idea is that if proxy server that player initially entered is configured with enforce-secure-profile set to false, NCR users will connect without exposing their public key, and NCR will evaluate safety status as "unintrusive", subsequently sending all chat messages unsigned. However, backend server behind that proxy server does not have to have enforce-secure-profile disabled as well. If it is enabled on backend server, users will still be able to join it, but sending anything into the chat will result in them being kicked due to "Chat message validation failure".

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Join hub on;
  2. Join any one of their servers with enforce-secure-profile enabled;
  3. Try to send something into the chat;
  4. Behold!

Other Information

There is no simple way to fix this, but it can be circumvented with the use of mod toggle in multiplayer menu.

Madis0 commented 1 year ago

Possible workarounds:

Aizistral commented 1 year ago

I tried to join via, but it still goes through the proxy. Is it different for .com?

Madis0 commented 1 year ago

Is it different for .com?

Probably not then, was just a guess from me.

USBCharger commented 1 year ago

Unable to even chat on Minehut, using 1.19.4, it was working on Minehut for a while, and after a time worked perfectly on 1.19.3, but since I updated my server to 1.19.4 it's been spotty, and now that I've updated my client to 1.19.4 I can't chat at all without being kicked on 1.19.4 (haven't confirmed if the same thing happens when players chat, but assume it does)

Madis0 commented 1 year ago

Minehut lobby displays a custom message which NCR cannot detect, so the user must enable signing manually (if wanted -- user-provided servers usually don't require it). But I am not sure where do you get kicks in, can you share the server IP?

USBCharger commented 1 year ago

Was going to edit but you responded before I got the chance: after posting I thought to change a setting in the NCR mod page after I got multiple chat msg validation failure kicks, and I stopped getting kicked. I wasn't sure if the mod was disabled or not since previously when I had disabled it I would stop getting kicked, so I tried going on different servers (spent an hour, none of them had reportable chat msgs LOL) and finally had to start an Aternos server, and discovered it was working, so I'm not sure if this is an intermittent thing like it was when I was on my 1.19.3 client on a 1.19.4 server, but the issue doesn't seem to be occurring atm. Also, I'll put the IP/discord here, but the server isn't gonna be open for another day/few days as I'm trying to get it ready for launch lol. (In case you actually wanna stay/play since I'm posting the IP lol)