The settings that I was using for the Pitch CSS Style no longer works after the 09/25/2023 update. Did something change that I need to update my CSS style for? Below is an example:
As you can see I am no longer getting the class to be included when the Pitch CSS is generated. This causes issue for my card type (JPMN), as it relied on having that class to properly determine how to display things.
The settings that I was using for the Pitch CSS Style no longer works after the 09/25/2023 update. Did something change that I need to update my CSS style for? Below is an example:
In Config: "styles": { "ꜜ": "<span class=\"downstep\"><span class=\"downstep-inner\">ꜜ", "class=\"overline\"": "style=\"text-decoration:overline;\" class=\"pitchoverline\"" }
Word: 相違[そうい]
Before: ソーイ After: ソーイ
As you can see I am no longer getting the class to be included when the Pitch CSS is generated. This causes issue for my card type (JPMN), as it relied on having that class to properly determine how to display things.