Akascape / CTkListbox

A simple listbox for customtkinter (extenstion/add-on)
MIT License
130 stars 14 forks source link
customtkinter customtkinter-widgets listbox tkinter tkinter-gui tkinter-widgets


This is a listbox widget for customtkinter, works just like the tkinter listbox.



pip install CTkListbox

GitHub repo size


import customtkinter
from CTkListbox import *

def show_value(selected_option):

root = customtkinter.CTk()

listbox = CTkListbox(root, command=show_value)
listbox.pack(fill="both", expand=True, padx=10, pady=10)

listbox.insert(0, "Option 0")
listbox.insert(1, "Option 1")
listbox.insert(2, "Option 2")
listbox.insert(3, "Option 3")
listbox.insert(4, "Option 4")
listbox.insert(5, "Option 5")
listbox.insert(6, "Option 6")
listbox.insert(7, "Option 7")
listbox.insert("END", "Option 8")



Parameter Description
master parent widget
width optional, set width of the listbox
height optional, set height of the listbox
fg_color foreground color of the listbox
border_color border color of the listbox frame
border_width width of the border frame
text_color set the color of the option text
hover_color set hover color of the options
button_color set color of unselected buttons
highlight_color set the selected color of the option
font set font of the option text
command calls a command when a option is selected
multiple_selection select multiple options in the listbox, default=False
listvariable use a tkinter variable to change the listbox content
*other_parameters _all other parameters of ctkscrollable frame can be passed


Thanks for visiting! Hope it will help :)