Aklesk / letter-wheel

Mobile-platform word search game
MIT License
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Shuffle and pass-n-play #1

Open tykees opened 6 years ago

tykees commented 6 years ago

Hello, You have a cool project;)) and, I have a few proposals


For better comprehension and for more pleasure to play, I propose the implementation of shuffle and pass-n-play.

Shuffle is a function that will allow random movement of every letter on the grid to interchange whenever the shuffle is initiated. E.g.when the letters of a new game appear on G, H, S, T, O, S, Y if this function is used, it will change how the letters are being set to Y, G, T, H, O, S, S. this will be the continuous behavior whenever the function is initiated, but the center letter will remain static since other letters are depending on it.

I do not think this will be a bit of a hassle, thinking technically, it can be achieved by adding the function at the right side of the game interface for users to utilize.

Pass-n-play This function will support two or more people to play the game using one device. It can be incorporated with the timing function or as an additional function, which there will be a column to input names of players and when the game starts, player one will have 1min or 2min to hunt for a word as well as to earn a point. Then it will be passed to other players, the same time will apply to all players, and it will continue like that till the ultimate time for the game. The score earned will indicate the winner of the game. If a player could not get a word within the time frame; a word will be generated by the system and give the player 0 points.


Image below shows how the shuffle function will look like if implemented and how it reacts on the letters.

How the pass-n-play feature can be incorporated on the menu, displaying a page to input player name.

Image below shows how earned point will be displayed while playing the game.


The shuffle function seems minor but will have much impact when using. Currently, it gets really tiring as all letters are static on the application and tend to be difficult to hunt word properly, this function will help the thinking capability of users. It will give little sight on the next word to hunt, showing which alphabet should be the first and how to set words properly. The pass n play will be another and added fun for users to engage in words hunting, in a more challenging way, it will serve a group entertainment game for more people to get along.

These are the features I consider needed on the application after using for several weeks.

Thank you!!!

Aklesk commented 6 years ago

@tykees thanks a lot for the detailed and well-reasoned suggestions! You've clearly put a lot of time into the proposals.

The shuffle feature had occurred to me some time ago, but it never quite made its way to the top of the list. You're right that it shouldn't be too much of a challenge to implement though; I might see about adding that in as an update.

I'm not sure about multiplayer functionality at this stage... the feature as you've described it definitely sounds fun and functional, but it's pushing the bounds of scope for what I set out to make. If someone else were to build it in and make a pull request I'd happily accept it - but it might be a while before I get to a feature like that myself.

tykees commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the reply. The shuffling is a feature that works with the mind :)) IMO. Hoping to use the feature in the coming update. I understand the complexity of the pass-n-play, the availability will just be for some additional fun and to drag folks together. It is a kind of games I like to play;))

I would have love to contribute to the project development but I am not that good in codes for now.