AkronCodeClub / edX-FP101x-Oct-2014

Study group for edX course FP101x beginning October 2014
8 stars 1 forks source link

Welcome to our study group! #1

Open jdantonio opened 9 years ago

jdantonio commented 9 years ago

A couple of weeks ago a group of us in the @AkronCodeClub got together and decided to form a study group around a free, online course. After much deliberation and a couple of online polls, we made a decision. We chose Introduction to Functional Programming at edX. We will be using this GitHub repository to collaborate as we take the course.

If you are joining our study group, please feel free to introduce yourself in this thread. If you would like contributor access to this repository so that you can share code/files, please let us know in this thread.

And most of all, have fun!

rpottsoh commented 9 years ago

Looking forward to making a go at my first online course..... I probably need contributor access if for no other reason than to make it easier for me to share my work with others, to make it easier for others to answer my questions that I know will come up. Until the Install-fest......


jdantonio commented 9 years ago

@rpottsoh @ascendantlogic I've added you both as contributors.

jdantonio commented 9 years ago

I've created a poll for deciding on the date of the InstallFest. Please see Issue #2.

jimcegelski commented 9 years ago

I'm excited about the course...and a little nervous since I have not done a lot with functional programming and nothing at all with Haskell. I'm looking forward to learning a ton from this course. I would like to be a contributor as well.

jdantonio commented 9 years ago

@rpottsoh I've added you as a contributor. You'll need to accept the invitation from within GitHub.

jdantonio commented 9 years ago

Most of you probably know me, but I'll start with a brief intro anyway...

I started learning functional programming about four years ago, starting with Clojure. It was a very eye-opening experience. There was a very strong alignment between the main tenets of FP and many of the ideas about programming I was developing, especially after many years of writing highly concurrent C++. When I was laid off in the fall of 2012 I applied to three jobs, two Clojure shops and one Erlang shop. As you all know, I chose the Erlang shop and now work at VHT.

I've never written any Haskell code, but my interest in Haskell was piqued recently because I began experimenting with PureScript. PureScript is a compile-to-JavaScript based heavily on Haskell. It is a subset of Haskell with JavaScript-like semantics.

I'm looking forward to this course because I love functional programming and I'm very curious about Haskell. I'm looking forward to taking this course with you because I've taken several Coursera courses and I felt strangely lonely, despite each course having 50,000+ students.

zph commented 9 years ago

Ping! Count me in @jdantonio

I'm excited as well!

My Haskell experience thus far is very limited, but hoping to change that with this course and with my own side-learning. StrangeLoop '14 was a great exposure to the Haskell, Purescript, strongly-typed world.

jdantonio commented 9 years ago

@zph You've been added as a contributor.

zph commented 9 years ago

Thanks @jdantonio :+1:

alanphil commented 9 years ago

Jerry - please add me as a contributor. Thanks - Alan

jdantonio commented 9 years ago

@alanphil Done!

dmuncy commented 9 years ago

@jdantonio, Please provide commit access for me. Thank you!

rickbacci commented 9 years ago

Jerry, Please add me as a contributor. Thanks.

EricMaibach commented 9 years ago

@jdantonio Can you please add me as a contributor. Thanks

jspencer92 commented 9 years ago

@jdantonio, Please provide commit access for me. Thanks!

krantzinator commented 9 years ago

Me too for contributor access @jdantonio thanks!

jdantonio commented 9 years ago

@krantzinator You were added by @vht-hfenton. You should have received the invitation email.

krantzinator commented 9 years ago

Got it thanks

anthonyrclayton commented 9 years ago

I would like to be added as well. I think this is a great idea.

My background is primarily .NET or Microsoft stack and I am interested in broadening my understanding of functional languages. I have been meaning to come to the group's meetings for quite some time but work travel and such hampered that. Looking forward to the course and collaborating with you all and eventually making it to some of the in person meetings.

jdantonio commented 9 years ago

@anthonyrclayton Welcome to the group! I've added you as a contributor (check your email for the invitation from GitHub). Let us know if you need help getting Haskell setup on your computer or getting started with edX.