AkronCodeClub / edX-FP101x-Oct-2014

Study group for edX course FP101x beginning October 2014
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Lets Meetup #19

Open hfenton opened 9 years ago

hfenton commented 9 years ago

A few of us liked the idea of meeting up to work on the homework and lab assignments together. This would be after work on a day and place that works for most people. We could have a few groups if days work for different people.

My suggestion would be to start this Thursday. I am up to meeting almost anywhere with wifi.

Who would like to meet this Thursday? Thoughts on location?

Thanks! Heather

jdantonio commented 9 years ago

I am free on Thursday. One possible location is the Panera near the intersection of Rte. 18 and Cleveland-Massilon road. They have a big back room that most customers don't go to. I've used that room for other meetups and it works well. And of course I'll always recommend the Nervous Dog. Not only is it an awesome coffee shop but it's near my house! :-)

rickbacci commented 9 years ago

I can meet on Thursday. Anywhere is fine with me on 18. Would just need to know what time and where.



rpottsoh commented 9 years ago

I wouldn't mind meeting up to work on the homework. Unfortunately this Thursday is not good for me. Wednesdays and Thursdays are the two worst days of the week for me. I'll be working on the 3rd [Defining Functions] homework assignment this weekend.

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 11:16 PM, Heather notifications@github.com wrote:

A few of us liked the idea of meeting up to work on the homework and lab assignments together. This would be after work on a day and place that works for most people. We could have a few groups if days work for different people.

My suggestion would be to start this Thursday. I am up to meeting almost anywhere with wifi.

Who would like to meet this Thursday? Thoughts on location?

Thanks! Heather

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grantwinney commented 9 years ago

Thursday works for me this week. I'll throw in a vote for the Nervous Dog.. as long as they don't have someone there performing.

hfenton commented 9 years ago

I would also like to go to the infamous Nervous Dog.

What time works best for everyone?

grantwinney commented 9 years ago

I get off work at 5, could probably be there by 5:30 or so. Or later. It's right in the path of my way home, so I could easily stop there for a bit if a little later works for everyone.

rickbacci commented 9 years ago

Nervous dog sounds good to me as well. I'll shoot for around 530ish

jdantonio commented 9 years ago

@vht-hfenton I'll stop by the Dog on the way home and check on their schedule for Thursday night. @grantwinney is correct--we don't want to go there if a band is playing.

hfenton commented 9 years ago

@jdantonio Thank you for checking out Nervous Dog for tomorrow. Backup plan: meet at the Panera on RT 18 near Cleveland-Massilon road if Nervous Dog has a band playing.

@rpottsoh We can rotate days if another day works for everyone else. What days can everyone meetup?

I would have to say Thursdays is the only day that works best for me. That certainly shouldn't prevent everyone from meeting on another day though. =)

rpottsoh commented 9 years ago

Wednesdays usually conflict with my son's cub scout activities during the fall, winter, and early spring. My wife has activities she likes to do on Thursdays so that day is no good.

Barnes and Noble (in montrose area on 18) is another location to consider; has wifi.

Sent from my android device.

rickbacci commented 9 years ago

Whatever everyone decides is fine with me, if I can make it I will.

krantzinator commented 9 years ago

Would a Hangout work for people who need to be home but are still roughly available help?

I'm all over the place depending on if I'm in Pittsburgh during the day or different Meetups that are happening, so build it and I will come when I can :) Thursdays and Mondays are typically best. I am not averse to Sunday afternoon either.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014, 1:56 PM Rick Bacci notifications@github.com wrote:

Whatever everyone decides is fine with me, if I can make it I will.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/AkronCodeClub/edX-FP101x-Oct-2014/issues/19#issuecomment-62772662 .

jdantonio commented 9 years ago

I'm told there will be no band on Thursday and we should be good for a study group.

grantwinney commented 9 years ago

Great, thanks for checking Jerry.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 8:26 PM, jdantonio notifications@github.com wrote:

I'm told there will be no band on Thursday and we should be good for a study group.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/AkronCodeClub/edX-FP101x-Oct-2014/issues/19#issuecomment-62826340 .

hfenton commented 9 years ago

:+1: Thanks @jdantonio !

rickbacci commented 9 years ago

What time do all of you get off of work? 5?

grantwinney commented 9 years ago

5'ish, with traffic I expect to be there between 5:30/5:45. On Nov 13, 2014 8:58 AM, "Rick Bacci" notifications@github.com wrote:

What time do all of you get off of work? 5?

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hfenton commented 9 years ago

I will try to get to Nervous Dog by 5:30.

grantwinney commented 9 years ago

I hope I'm at the right nervous dog. :p

Did everyone else get waylaid by the snow? I'm gonna start trying every coffee on the board...

hfenton commented 9 years ago

I hope we are at the right nervous dog. Rick and I are at the Akron Nervous Dog.

Which one are you at?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/AkronCodeClub/edX-FP101x-Oct-2014/issues/19#issuecomment-62982431.

grantwinney commented 9 years ago

I'm at the one at 4161 Steels Pointe in Stow. There's more than one? Uh, oh. lol

Now I see it - 1530 W Market St, Akron, OH 44313. Ugh.

hfenton commented 9 years ago

We are at the one in Akron, on West Market street. I didn't realize there was more than one=

grantwinney commented 9 years ago

Be there in 20.

jdantonio commented 9 years ago

Thank you @vht-hfenton for organizing tonight! I feel much better about completing the course now that we've knocked out two more homework assignments and a graded lab.

rickbacci commented 9 years ago

That was a great learning experience. Thank you all :)

grantwinney commented 9 years ago

I enjoyed it too. Even more-so once I found the right place! Thanks for stepping through everything so logically Jerry.. it helped in understanding each of the problems.

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 10:14 PM, Rick Bacci notifications@github.com wrote:

That was a great learning experience. Thank you all :)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/AkronCodeClub/edX-FP101x-Oct-2014/issues/19#issuecomment-63004925 .

hfenton commented 9 years ago

We made awesome progress last night! Thanks @RickBacci , @grantwinney and @jdantonio for meeting up, talking through problems and knocking out the homework and lab assignments! (I drove home through blizzard-like conditions with 0 visibility but made it home safe. :snowflake: )

@krantzinator I think a Hangout would definitely work! What does everyone else think?

In the mean time, I am up for getting together again next Thursday. Anyone else available next Thursday? (We could also do a Hangout for those who can't make it.)

grantwinney commented 9 years ago

I won't be able to make it next Thurs but I'd be up for trying the hangout. On Nov 14, 2014 9:29 AM, "Heather" notifications@github.com wrote:

We made awesome progress last night! Thanks @RickBacci https://github.com/RickBacci , @grantwinney https://github.com/grantwinney and @jdantonio https://github.com/jdantonio for meeting up, talking through problems and knocking out the homework and lab assignments! (I drove home through blizzard-like conditions with 0 visibility but made it home safe. [image: :snowflake:] )

@krantzinator https://github.com/krantzinator I think a Hangout would definitely work! What does everyone else think?

In the mean time, I am up for getting together again next Thursday. Anyone else available next Thursday? (We could also do a Hangout for those who can't make it.)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/AkronCodeClub/edX-FP101x-Oct-2014/issues/19#issuecomment-63071387 .

jdantonio commented 9 years ago

I will be out of town all next week. :-(

rickbacci commented 9 years ago

It doesn't matter to me. That place had awesome pumpkin spice, but whatever works for most people.

@jdantonio Thanks for telling us about the back road too...way quicker than going back down 18.

krantzinator commented 9 years ago

Just remembered my Friendsgiving is this Thursday. Any chance we could do Monday this week? I'd also be up for Monday of Thanksgiving week.

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Rick Bacci notifications@github.com wrote:

It doesn't matter to me. That place had awesome pumpkin spice, but whatever works for most people.

@jdantonio https://github.com/jdantonio Thanks for telling us about the back road too...way quicker than going back down 18.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/AkronCodeClub/edX-FP101x-Oct-2014/issues/19#issuecomment-63097816 .

[image: http://about.me/rachelkrantz] Rachel Krantz [image: http://]about.me/rachelkrantz http://about.me/rachelkrantz

rpottsoh commented 9 years ago

The next two Monday's are OK for me. I have completed Homework 3 and working on its lab right now.

rickbacci commented 9 years ago

I just realized I have a prior engagement on Thursday, so i won't be able to do it this week. Monday is maybe possible.

hfenton commented 9 years ago

@RickBacci @rpottsoh @krantzinator I encourage you to meetup or do a hangout as I will not be able to meet on Mondays. I look forward to hearing the progress you made!

Anyone else able to meet tonight with the group?

rpottsoh commented 9 years ago

@RickBacci and @krantzinator how far have you progressed on the homework? I am through HW3 and its lab. I still need to watch the lecture for HW4…. I live in the Fairlawn/Bath area. A Hangout session is fine too.

krantzinator commented 9 years ago

I'm still on W2, so I probably won't be of much use. Sorry, work has been straight 16 hour days for a while. But I guess that's life, yeah?

On Mon Nov 17 2014 at 11:28:19 AM Ryan Potts notifications@github.com wrote:

@RickBacci and @krantzinator how far have you progressed on the homework? I am through HW3 and its lab. I still need to watch the lecture for HW4…. I live in the Fairlawn/Bath area. A Hangout session is fine too.

From: Heather [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 8:53 AM To: AkronCodeClub/edX-FP101x-Oct-2014 Cc: Ryan Potts Subject: Re: [edX-FP101x-Oct-2014] Lets Meetup (#19)

@RickBacci https://github.com/RickBacci @rpottsoh < https://github.com/rpottsoh> @krantzinator < https://github.com/krantzinator> I encourage you to meetup or do a hangout as I will not be able to meet on Mondays. I look forward to hearing the progress you made!

Anyone else able to meet tonight with the group?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub < https://github.com/AkronCodeClub/edX-FP101x-Oct-2014/issues/19#issuecomment-63306965> . < https://github.com/notifications/beacon/AGp50yROA0lef0NIVhbAmbcyiq2DdpBLks5nOfVJgaJpZM4C5a-k.gif>

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