Akylas / OSS-DocumentScanner

Android document document scanning app
MIT License
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[FEATURE REQUEST] Return to page view on camera close #308

Open liamhays opened 4 weeks ago

liamhays commented 4 weeks ago

I love this app, it's better than any other document scanning app I've found. However, I have one request. After pressing the camera button on the main screen to take a picture, I can scan one page of a document and verify how I want it to look. My problem is that closing this view by swiping back or pressing the back button takes me back to the main screen of the app, not to the page view for a single document. I find this very confusing because when I want to scan a document, it usually has more than one page, so I have to select the document and then press the "+" button.

This only happens for the first page scanned, and I do understand why the app is designed this way, but I think it adds more chance for confusion than help.

farfromrefug commented 4 weeks ago

@liamhays really happy you like the app. I understand your need.

EDIT: in fact i am not sure i understand what your issue is . Could you share a little video to show the issue?

liamhays commented 3 weeks ago

when you go into the document view and use the + button once the camera close you will go back to the document view.

My request is that camera close always go back to document view, including after you take the very first scan.

Batch mode is an option but I found it hard to use---but that's no excuse :) so I'll give it another shot.

farfromrefug commented 3 weeks ago

when you go into the document view and use the + button once the camera close you will go back to the document view.

My request is that camera close always go back to document view, including after you take the very first scan.

Batch mode is an option but I found it hard to use---but that's no excuse :) so I'll give it another shot.

I am i still does not understand. If you confirm a document from the camera view it should go to the document view. I will check again

liamhays commented 3 weeks ago

I apologize, I think I've been mixing terms up. For the purposes of this comment:

This is what I want: when you leave the camera and filter selection screen after capturing the first page, I want the app to take me back to page view, not document view. I want this because document view and page view look similar, so multiple times I have accidentally created new documents instead of adding pages to an existing document.

After capturing more pages within one document, leaving the camera view returns to page view, and I want the app to do this all the time, after any capture.

farfromrefug commented 3 weeks ago

@liamhays thanks for the explanation. However i still cant reproduce it Here is a video on how it works here. Can you share a video of the wrong behavior you are experiencing? https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/752e3c1f-797d-4d27-88ea-9b37b78f17d2

liamhays commented 3 weeks ago

Video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cn6t0lgcodw057ue1qt8q/screen-20241015-093021.mp4?rlkey=nwphoe2wvjyvgxf2361zidfy6&st=qrpkda5i&dl=0

Do you see how, after I take one picture and go back, the app takes me to the very first screen (what I last called the "document view"), and then once I select a document to add more pages, the camera takes me back to the page view for that specific document? What I would like is, the first time I close the camera view, the app takes me to the screen where I can add more pages to the document I just created, instead of taking me to the screen where I can create a new document.

I hope that's clear, this is pretty nuanced stuff that doesn't convert so well into text.

farfromrefug commented 3 weeks ago

@liamhays ok i see what you mean now. Will try to fix it. Though not sure of the result as it means a quick "double" navigation. Will try

EDIT: in fact from a personal point of view i would not like that as it would mean having to go back twice everytime. What i could do is have an option to not go to the "edit page view" after scan but to the "page view" as defined them? Would that be ok? It would mean you would have to click on a page to go to the "edit page view"

liamhays commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, if this could be a configurable option, that would be fine. I usually scan documents with multiple pages so I would like the option to configure this behavior.