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[TECH ED] Backend Deployment #6

Open Alamin-eng opened 6 months ago

Alamin-eng commented 6 months ago

From Module-Cloud created by SallyMcGrath: CodeYourFuture/Module-Cloud#1

Link to the coursework

Why are we doing this? Deploy CYF Hotel Backend to EC2 Launch EC2 Instance: Start a new EC2 instance using a suitable AMI (Amazon Machine Image). SSH into EC2: Use SSH to access your EC2 instance. Follow the guide from AWS on how to ssh from your machine Set up Node.js: Install Node.js and any other dependencies. Upload Code: Transfer your backend code to the EC2 instance. Refer to the SSH guide to transfer the code to EC2 Start Application: Run your Node.js application on the EC2 instance. Test API: Test your API endpoints to make sure they’re working as expected. Maximum time in hours 3

How to get help Ask calm, curious questions with links, code samples, and no screenshots.

How to submit In this advanced module you will demo your work.

Alamin-eng commented 6 months ago