Alem / django-jfu

A Django Library for jQuery File Upload
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
148 stars 73 forks source link

Django-JFU - A Django Library for jQuery File Upload

Django-JFU is designed to simplify the tasks involved in integrating jQuery File Upload ( into Django. Django-JFU assumes very little and leaves the model/view design up to the user.

Other Django - jQuery File Upload implementations are full-featured but generally serve more as demonstrations than libraries for existing applications.

If you seek a tool to ease the integration of jQuery File Upload into your Django application while still having a great degree of freedom, you may find this package useful.


.. _Demo:


  1. pip install django-jfu.
  2. Add 'jfu' to INSTALLED_APPS in your project file.
  3. Add 'django.core.context_processors.request' and 'django.core.context_processors.static' to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in
  4. Run python collectstatic.


Django-JFU provides simple customizable template tags and override-able templates that do the work of integrating the jQuery File Upload CSS and JavaScipt and the HTML implementation found in the jQuery File Upload demo.

To place the jQuery File Upload widget in a template, simply insert the following within it::

{% load jfutags %}
{% jfu %}

Then create a view that will handle the uploaded files. The URL for the view is expected to be named 'jfu_upload' by default, although this can be customized (see Customization below).

Here is an example implementation:

In your file::

url( r'upload/', views.upload, name = 'jfu_upload' ),

# You may optionally define a delete url as well
url( r'^delete/(?P<pk>\d+)$', views.upload_delete, name = 'jfu_delete' ),

In your file::

import os
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.views import generic
from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST
from jfu.http import upload_receive, UploadResponse, JFUResponse

from YOURAPP.models import YOURMODEL

def upload( request ):

    # The assumption here is that jQuery File Upload
    # has been configured to send files one at a time.
    # If multiple files can be uploaded simulatenously,
    # 'file' may be a list of files.
    file = upload_receive( request )

    instance = YOURMODEL( file = file )

    basename = os.path.basename( instance.file.path )

    file_dict = {
        'name' : basename,
        'size' : file.size,

        'url': settings.MEDIA_URL + basename,
        'thumbnailUrl': settings.MEDIA_URL + basename,

        'deleteUrl': reverse('jfu_delete', kwargs = { 'pk': }),
        'deleteType': 'POST',

    return UploadResponse( request, file_dict )

def upload_delete( request, pk ):
    success = True
        instance = YOURMODEL.objects.get( pk = pk )
        os.unlink( instance.file.path )
    except YOURMODEL.DoesNotExist:
        success = False

    return JFUResponse( request, success )


Django-JFU is designed to be very customizable.

The Django-JFU template tag optionally takes two arguments: the name of the template to load and the name of the URL pointing to the upload-handling view.::

{% load jfutags %}
{% jfu 'your_fileuploader.html' 'your_uploader_URL_name' %}

A custom template can extend from the master Django-JFU template jfu/upload_form.html. There are several blocks which may be overriden for the purpose of customization:

The blocks above are most-likely what you will want to override when seeking to customize. For instance, one would go about adding a few options to the fileupload function in this manner::

# your_fileuploader.html
{% extends 'jfu/upload_form.html' %}

{% block JS_OPTS %}
autoUpload: true,
maxNumberOfFiles: 5,
sequentialUploads: true,
{% endblock %}

There are several other blocks too:

HTML Components

CSS Components

JS Components

The included JavaScript and CSS can be updated or suppressed by overriding these blocks ::

# your_fileuploader.html
{% extends 'jfu/upload_form.html' %}

{% block JS_JQUERY %}
    <script src={{STATIC_URL}}/js/my.newer.jquery.js />
{% endblock %}

{% block CSS_BOOTSTRAP %}
    {% comment %}
    This is already included.
    {% endcomment %}
{% endblock %}

or by replacing the static files themselves.


If you have downloaded from the repository, a simple demo application has been included in the 'demo' directory. To test it out, enter the 'demo' directory and run ::

    ./setup && ./run

Note that virtualenv is required for the demo to function.


Django-JFU is wholly open source and welcomes contributions of any kind. Feel free to either extend it, report bugs, or provide suggestions for improvements. The author of Django-JFU can be contacted at