AlexCiocan / algos101

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Algos 101 crash course approach.

!!!!!! Whenever possible user Collections. or Arrays. util classes.

  1. Implement Bubble sort for both arrays and collections( 2 approaches). Performance ?.. Can you improve it ?

  2. Implements QuickSort for both arrays and collections(2 approaches = iterative + recursiv) [Look up 3way Quicksort]. Performance..?

    => [How each sort type (mergeSort + BST + insertionSort + selection Sort....) is working + complexity].

  3. Shuffle an array evenly.

  4. Fibonacci (it + recurs). Next Step compute fibonacci for very large numbers.

  5. Implement a LinkedList locally. =>[ Know differencese between List vs Set vs Map and their implementations]

  6. Find duplicates in a collection and array ( 2 solutions).

  7. Find if a list has a loop in O(n)

  8. Reverse a list in O(n).

  9. Implement Stack and Queue locally. What's the difference between them. Think of a problem than you can solve using a queue data structure.

  10. Parantheses problem + palindrome