AlexModGuy / Ice_and_Fire

Minecraft mystical mod
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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List of Bugs/Issues I have found for Ice & Fire V2.1.1 on MC 1.16.3... #3104

Closed Jusey1 closed 3 years ago

Jusey1 commented 3 years ago

Greetings, this is a list of bugs for 2.1.1 version of "Ice and Fire" on Minecraft 1.16.3 with Forge 34.1.25. Though, I feel all of these bugs can happen regardless of Forge version but I am specifying the Forge version I am currently using.

There is a big major bug in the new version of the mod which is all about world spawning of the mobs and structures, which has been explained by Carro1001 already so that is left out here.

Warning: This is a list of bugs that I have found in my time of bug-testing the mod. I may not have found every single bug and obviously not every possible conflict this mod has with others. This list was made to hopefully help address a lot of the major problems with the mod.


-Bestiary Exploit: I believe this one is quite known. Using the Bestiary Lectern will add pages to your book but you will have your manuscript given back to you.

-Tide Trident: Currently, the tide trident has two bugs. The overall throwing animation of it as shown here: but also the fact that it spawns a normal trident projectile which does the same damage as the normal trident as shown here: but luckily picking up this trident still gives the tide trident.

-Dragonbone Bow: The bow has a visual bug when loading arrows as shown here: and simple as that.

-Phas Blade: The new ghost blade weapon has a projectile attack which is pretty cool but if it gets reflected somehow, such as hitting the shield, then the projectile will just float and move very slowly in the air for a bit until it disappears on it's oww: .

-Hippogryph Talon Sword: Visual bug with the description as shown here: .

-Desert Worm Weapon: All variations of the desert worm unique weapon is missing textures for the inside of the mouth as shown here: .

-Ambrosia: The ambrosia recipe is missing the requirement for the golden carrot and golden melon. .

-Sticky Chains: As shown here: - sticky chains are suppose to be able to connect chained mobs. I couldn't get this working at all and instead the chain in question is working like a normal chain and nothing more.

-Dread Knight Horse Spawn Egg: This specific spawn egg doesn't work as shown here: no matter how many times I right click the grass.

-Hydra's Heart: While near a beacon with regeneration effect, the Hydra Heart's own regeneration effect is bugged out and doesn't apply as shown here: .

-Stymp Birds: The feather attack from these birds can put arrows into the player's body as shown here: .

-Dread Torch: The Dread Torch is missing their wall torch variation as shown here: .

-Iron Chains: If a chained mob dies, the chain texture on the stone wall persists until the stone wall in question is mined: .

-Throwable Eggs: All throwable eggs, such as the cockatrice egg here: , currently does not throw correctly. Some weapons use to have this similar bug but are fixed now. So that fix needs to be applied to these eggs.

-Myrmex Swarm: As shown here: , the swarm is suppose to last 30 seconds... It lasts 90 seconds instead.

-Dread Lich Staff: The projectile from this staff is very inconsistent as it likes to be attracted to random mobs, even if they aren't in LOS. You could be aiming at a mob 5 blocks in front of your face but the projectile will just go down and hit the floor as it was targeting a bat that is in a cave under you... This inconsistency kills all reason to use the staff in all honesty and I personally do consider it to be a bug.

-Hippogryphs: Got two bugs with this mob. If you hatch a hippogrypth by throwing an egg then the resulting hippogrypth will not be tamed to you and thus requires you to tame it like it is a wild adult. It will even full on attack you if it is hungry, despite it being a baby. The other wildly known bug is that they will fly NW or SE in a "straight" line forever. This seems to be happening when they are hunting for prey and didn't found any within walking distance and then get stuck forever flying for food. As they don't do this right away until they are hostile toward the player.

-Sea Serpents: - Ye'h, this happens to sea serpents when they attempt to attack the player or another target on land... Enough said.

-Myrmex: There's quite a few bugs here. Firstly, eggs aren't saved in the world data and thus this can happen: . The second notable bug is that the moment a Myrmex Queen hatches from an egg then the game will crash. This crash only happens while a Myrmex Queen is hatching, and nothing else. I assume this is happening due to the hatching assigning a new colony and then assigning the colony to be friendly toward the player who hatched said Queen. The last massive bug with the Myrmex is with the ability to add rooms to a colony's lair. Upon using this interface, the player will be stuck on a screen with what looks like a dirt block which I assume is suppose to be the interface to see the current colony's rooms and what not but nothing is interactable. The moment that the player attempt to leave this interface, they will crash. It doesn't crash the server, just the player attempting to use this feature of the Myrmex.

Side Note: Myrmex are very taxing on servers in general it seems like, even in singleplayer, and can render that world unplayable by being too laggy. So some performance improvement here can be very welcomed if possible since limiting a colony to like only 10 individuals doesn't feel like a proper colony... I figure out that depending on what is near the colony, usually around 20 to 25 individuals is enough to start lagging the server/singleplayer world.

-Dragons: Ice dragons in general just freeze lock the server entirely the moment that they are loaded into an active chunk, which renders snow areas unplayable.

Dragons can also crash online servers by swimming. Lightning dragons of stage 4 and higher can also crash online servers. Both these crashes are online only and will not happen in a singleplayer world.


That's it for now. I'll redo my bugtesting later when I get more time to double check for more issues and adds them here if I can. I'll also want to take a moment to thanks the modders for the awesome new structure generation which works nearly perfectly 95% of the time I say. I also need to bugtest the mod on a server to look for any server specific issues which I didn't bother to fully explore and would love to add onto this list or make a new list specifically for.

I also wanna mention that there is a lot of configs that aren't working and configs which I think should be in the config file (such as spawn rate for Graveyards and damage base configs for a lot of items in the mod to balance out the equipment for modpacks) but those issues has been covered before by another person as I do remember someone adding a thing for all config issues.

I love the mod a lot, don't get me wrong, but it does have a lot of issues that I think needs looking into. Some gamebreaking bugs and the overall unusable config file are notable ones I wish to see done. Heck, I would love to see the config system get a revamp overall as that file loves to randomly change the order of things and just be weird altogether for whatever reasons...

NathanNevesPrates commented 3 years ago

Experience all of these bugs too, lol.