AlexR2D2 / metabase_duckdb_driver

Metabase DuckDB Driver shipped as 3rd party plugin
Apache License 2.0
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Loading files from S3 (or any HTTP location) via httpfs #18

Closed etoulas closed 9 months ago

etoulas commented 9 months ago


I would be interested in using the httpfs extensions for DuckDB.

With the extension it is possible do the following:

SELECT column_a FROM 'https://domain.tld/file.parquet';
SELECT * FROM 's3://bucket/file.parquet?s3_access_key_id=accessKey&s3_secret_access_key=secretKey';

Is this already included in this driver?

If not, how can it be integrated?


AlexR2D2 commented 9 months ago

Hi, at least this thing works in the Metabase query editor (in the latest release)

SELECT title, question FROM '';
etoulas commented 9 months ago

Thanks @AlexR2D2.

On my first try I got an error but it provided a solution, too.

I had to execute INSTALL httpfs; first. Then your query worked indeed.

It looked into the user directory for the extension. So, I guess it has to be installed first before it can be used?


AlexR2D2 commented 9 months ago

Yes, at first you must install and load extension. For example

INSTALL httpfs;
LOAD httpfs;
<now you can use an httpfs extension>

You can read more about extensions here

etoulas commented 9 months ago

From the docs:

If an extension is not already available locally, it will be installed from the official extension repository (

This was achieved with INSTALL httpfs.

Autoloadable extensions are loaded on first use.

The LOAD httpfs was implicit when I tried the example query you provided.

Amazing duck 🦆