Closed halexand closed 1 year ago
Many clusters still run on PBS. How can we make running PBS as straight forward as slurm?
An initial test for pbs in the submit script here:
snakemake --rerun-incomplete --jobs 50 --use-conda --cluster-config cluster-pbs.yaml --cluster "qsub -N {rule}.{wildcards} -l vmem={cluster.mem}gb,walltime={cluster.time},nodes={cluster.nodes}:ppn={cluster.cpupertask}"
Can we modify this in the cluster:
command_options: slurm: account: --account={} command: sbatch --parsable --qos=unlim key_mapping: null mem: --mem={}gb name: --job-name={} nodes: -N {} queue: --partition={} threads: -n {} time: --time={} pbs: command: qsub key_mapping: null mem: -l vmem={}gb name: -N {} nodes: -l nodes={} queue: –partition={} threads: -l ppn={} time: -l walltime={}
Currently pbs ppn doesn't look quite right.
Some PBS capability is built into the pipeline, but currently we have no capacity for testing further.
Many clusters still run on PBS. How can we make running PBS as straight forward as slurm?
An initial test for pbs in the submit script here:
Can we modify this in the cluster:
Currently pbs ppn doesn't look quite right.