The spectran_http_source should be used to establish a connection to an Aaronia RTSA Suite Pro mission, which provides a combination of an IQ Source, such as the 'Spectran V6,' and an 'IQ Demodulator' block connected to an 'HTTP Server' block.
Currently, the spectran_http_source is accessing the '/control' endpoint, which is not intended for this use case. It should instead utilize the more adaptable '/remoteconfig' endpoint offered by the HTTP Server, allowing for remote control of blocks within the mission's block graph.
As a result, the command structure for the ::setCenterFrequency request needs to be updated to:
The device parameters in the SDR++ UI 'Source' section should therefore be expanded to include:
A dropdown list of possible sample rate values, with lower values for HF bands and higher rates limited to a performance-realistic range manageable via the HTTP interface.
The RTSA IQ Demodulator Block API Name.
When the connect button is initially pressed, the ::setCenterFrequency method should be invoked once, to ensure the selected tuning range is initiated by SDR++ and not the RTSA
Minor corrections:
The disconnect method is currently causing an error because it attempts to unbind 'onCenterFrequencyChanged' twice, instead of unbinding 'onSamplerateChanged':
The disconnect method throws an error, because it tries to unbind the “onCenterFrequencyChanged” twice instead of “onSamplerateChanged”
The spectran_http_source should be used to establish a connection to an Aaronia RTSA Suite Pro mission, which provides a combination of an IQ Source, such as the 'Spectran V6,' and an 'IQ Demodulator' block connected to an 'HTTP Server' block.
(RTSA [IQ Source] -> [IQ Demodulator] -> [HTTP Server]) ---------<http>------- (SDR++ [spectran_http_source])
Currently, the spectran_http_source is accessing the '/control' endpoint, which is not intended for this use case. It should instead utilize the more adaptable '/remoteconfig' endpoint offered by the HTTP Server, allowing for remote control of blocks within the mission's block graph.
As a result, the command structure for the ::setCenterFrequency request needs to be updated to:
The changes proposed in this pull request serve as a draft for the required mechanism.
The device parameters in the SDR++ UI 'Source' section should therefore be expanded to include:
When the connect button is initially pressed, the ::setCenterFrequency method should be invoked once, to ensure the selected tuning range is initiated by SDR++ and not the RTSA
Minor corrections:
The disconnect method is currently causing an error because it attempts to unbind 'onCenterFrequencyChanged' twice, instead of unbinding 'onSamplerateChanged':
The disconnect method throws an error, because it tries to unbind the “onCenterFrequencyChanged” twice instead of “onSamplerateChanged”
An example mission is provided at: