Open priyankajain03 opened 3 years ago
As discussed on Discord, this is working for me. When I run this command:
./darknet detector test cfg/ cfg/yolov4.cfg yolov4.weights -thresh 0.25 -dont_show -save_labels < test.txt
...the .txt file that it creates for the image above has the following content:
32 0.9619 0.5431 0.0077 0.0193
0 0.1005 0.5337 0.0439 0.3087
0 0.7983 0.5946 0.1234 0.7953
0 0.3879 0.6230 0.1698 0.7101
0 0.2780 0.6253 0.1264 0.6971
0 0.4552 0.5311 0.0457 0.3405
0 0.6128 0.4971 0.0309 0.1890
0 0.1334 0.5215 0.0456 0.3276
0 0.0490 0.4801 0.0259 0.1202
0 0.6427 0.4826 0.0203 0.1377
0 0.9221 0.4702 0.0186 0.1010
0 0.7183 0.4581 0.0150 0.0764
0 0.8921 0.4825 0.0138 0.0884
0 0.5341 0.4702 0.0162 0.0931
0 0.8638 0.4576 0.0138 0.0683
0 0.5179 0.4707 0.0233 0.0927
0 0.6606 0.4637 0.0123 0.0661
0 0.8388 0.4813 0.0189 0.1438
If I had to guess, I'd say you have some corrupted .weights files, or your build of darknet is somehow bad.
We figured out the problem on Discord. The weights file they were using was yolov4-tiny.conv.29, not the correct weights file. And the .cfg file had been incorrectly modified because they only wanted a subset of the MSCOCO classes.
Below is the image that i ran the code on and its corresponding generated .txt file. I am using tiny yolov4 weights. I am using this command - darknet.exe detector test cfg/ cfg/yolov4-tiny-custom.cfg yolov4-tiny.weights -thresh 0.25 -dont_show -save_labels < data/new_train.txt