Open ARC-MX opened 8 months ago
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I think the device is no longer in your gateway's database. I don't know why it might be missing.
I think the reason is that the gateway3 plug-in does not support this device. PTX wireless switch is a substitute for Xiaomi button(XMWXKG01LM), which is normally used in Xiaomi APP
But you have entities. So the gateway has seen this device before
This is the Xiaomi APP showing my device and it still works
You can restart Hass. Devices list loaded on integration start
I tried it, but nothing changed, and I don't know if it's the problem with this PTX device
I have fixed this bug. My Homeassistant is connected to the router, but the Mijia gateway is connected to other devices, although the same subnet, but there will be problems.
When the PTX wireless switch is pressed, homeassistant cannot read the switch state. xiaomigetway3 shows' This entity is no longer being provided by the xiaomi_gateway3 integration. If the entity is no longer in use, delete it in settings.’