Please review and approve deployment to production
Workflow is pending manual review.
URL: https://api.github.com/memotions/backend-service/actions/runs/12272273921
Required approvers: [GungIndi bay…
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because it is not only use in nginx ,but also can use in website as error page, it is so beautiful
Hello @mugitty
We need a new GORULE, similar to gorule_0000008 (No annotations should be made to uninformative high level terms), but using the subset 'gocheck_obsoletion_candidate' instead.
### 在提问之前...
- [X] 我理解 Issue 是用于反馈和解决问题的,而非吐槽评论区,将尽可能提供更多信息帮助问题解决
- [X] 我填写了简短且清晰明确的标题,以便开发者在翻阅 Issue 列表时能快速确定大致问题。而不是“一个建议”、“卡住了”等
- [X] 我使用的是当前更新版本的最新版,且已查看版本发布至今和 Pull Requests 中尚未发布的更新内容,并未提及该 Bu…
Name: carapanka037
The paper listed as source for the IUCN data actually refers to the human footprint paper.
@goergen95: Do you know if there should be something else be referenced here? If not, I'd just go and delete…
44 seconds ago
L𝚎aked Video 5 girls 5 rocket Original Video Viral Video L𝚎aked on X Twitter Telegram
[-𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋-𝐕𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐋-]— 5 girls 5 rocket Video Original Video Link 5 girls 5 rocket Video Viral On Soci…
If you haven’t already, check out our [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/Expensify/ReactNativeChat/blob/main/contributingGuides/CONTRIBUTING.md) for onboarding and email contributors@expensi…
"- [x] delete ToD buttons after user interacts, makes it clean #171 \r\n- [x] delete acknowledgment on interaction, if not, add little facts on wait\r\n- [x] add auto mode\n"