AliSoftware / OHAutoNIBi18n

Automate the Localization/Translation of your XIB & interface without any additional code nor IBOutlet!
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amazing! but what about LTR/RTL support? #2

Open forsan opened 11 years ago

forsan commented 11 years ago

hello thank you for amazing code... but the important reason to create more than one xib is to support LTR and RTL language (Label, Textview,...ect alignment).

so is your code support this case?

thank you again :)

AliSoftware commented 11 years ago


I never had to work with RTL language, so I'm wondering : doesn't iOS automatically adjust the UILabel alignment depending on the LTR/RTL of the text (especially if you have the Unicode marker for RTL or if you use Unicode characters/codepoints that are marked as being RTL), so that if you have a label that is left-aligned, if your text is RTL it maybe will be aligned right and not left ? Doesn't it have a "Natural Language alignment" option too? Never checked on this…

We definitely have to test this. But LTR vs. RTL issues are complex, like you can have Unicode text that contains a mix of LTR and RTL substrings, which alignment do you expect then?

Anyway, can you be more specific? What do you expect from my code concerning RTL/LTR? Change the alignment of UILabel / TextViews etc from Left-aligned to Right-aligned and vice-versa if the current locale is detected to be RTL (like arabic)? Not sure if we can detect that by code?