AliaksandrSiarohin / motion-cosegmentation

Reference code for "Motion-supervised Co-Part Segmentation" paper
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cannot use along with --supervised in my trained model #23

Closed xiuyangleiasp closed 4 years ago

xiuyangleiasp commented 4 years ago

Hi @AliaksandrSiarohin ! Thanks for sharing such an awesome work. I've trained model with my own dataset. with config/vox-256-sem-15segments.yaml and It's worked with command: --config config/vox-256-sem-15segments.yaml --checkpoint log/vox-256-sem-15segments\ 26-08-20\ 07\:56\:19/00000000-checkpoint.pth.tar --source_image 2.jpg --target_video 2.mp4 --swap_index 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 however got errors with command: --config config/vox-256-sem-15segments.yaml --checkpoint log/vox-256-sem-15segments\ 26-08-20\ 07\:56\:19/00000000-checkpoint.pth.tar --source_image 2.jpg --target_video 2.mp4 --swap_index 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 --supervised image

Can you please help me with this ? Thanks

AliaksandrSiarohin commented 4 years ago

Same happens with my checkpoints? Probably a bug. Try to commend this line

xiuyangleiasp commented 4 years ago

Same happens with my checkpoints? work correctly with your checkpoint.

Probably a bug. Try to commend this line

It worked. Thanks for your reply