The purpose of the website is to provide the user a means to read and understand methods of how to become more green, environmental and sustainable. This is done through a series of informational blog posts.
For the design of this website, the 5 pillars of User Experience Design (UXD) were used to cover the strategy, scope, structure, skeleton and surface to make sure the design is intuitive, simple and enjoyable.
The target user audience is for any adult / teenager that wants to read blog posts on how to be more green and environmental, however a wider scope could be considered.
Interviews and workshops with users and stakeholders were conducted to understand their requirements and perspectives for the quiz.
Research was conducted on similar websites to understand how they work; the presentation of the blog posts, from a format and an information architecture point of view; and most importantly how the user would feel moving through the website.
From the research and interviews conducted with the target audience and stakeholders, user stories were created to determine the flow of the app. The focus was put on the following user stories:
The user stories were prioritised and it was concluded that stories 1, 2, 4 and 6 were taken forward into the scope and stories 3 and 5 were added as additional features to deploy in a future release. User story 1 was adapted and made simpler with functionality to just view a series of blog posts, search, filter and tagging will come in a later release.
From the user stories, content, data, features and functionality can be determined.
Blog Library
Contact Us
Consistent across all pages:
For the data:
When the structure of the webpage, information and features had been determined, a wireframe for each view could be created:
Colour Palette
Several technologies were used to aid the project:
The features deployed for this website are as follows:
Consistent Header
Throughout the site, the header remains consistent. It includes the website logo and name which is a clickable link to the homepage and a menu to help navigate through the site ('Home', 'Library' and 'Contact Us').
To highlight where the user is on the site, the button is underlined on the page.
Newsletter Sign Up
Within the footer, there is a newsletter sign up form. This includes input fields for name and email, a tick box to accept the GDPR notice and the submit button. All of these fields are mandatory, and therefore need to be filled in order to be submitted.
On submitting the form, a new page opens with a message detailing the next steps for the newsletter.
Social Media
Within the footer, there are three links to social media sites (facebook, instagram and tiktok). Each link opens the page in a new tab.
Blog Library
The blog library opens up to show the consistent header and photo, but then contains the blog posts in the tawny orange color. The blog posts content contains a title, text and any media that will help the reader.
Between each blog post the leaf icon is used to separate the content.
Contact Us Form
The contact us form contains some text describing the purpose of the form, input fields for name, email, type of query and a text box for the query. Theses fields are mandatory in order to submit the form.
There are two tick boxes, one submitting their details for the newsletter and one to accept the GDPR notice. The second tick box is mandatory to submit the form.
In addition to the features deployed, some features that could be deployed in a future release are:
As the project was developed and coded, developer testing was conducted to reduce the impact of bugs and errors in the code. This testing consisted of general debugging of written code based off gitpod IDE recommendations; running through input validator testing scenarios to check for input errors; and testing on different browsers.
General Debugging
The scenarios developed for testing the website are as follows:
Browser / Device testing
The development of this app was conducted on Google Chrome, therefore extensive testing was conducted on this browser. This was used as a benchmark against Firefox and Safari.
The elements of testing conducted on each browser are:
The user experience is consistent on Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
All the scenarios captured in the 'General Debugging' section above were performed on each browser to make sure the functionality of the site was consistent.
Responsive design is important, CSS code had to be amended and adjusted to make sure the app could work on a number of devices. There were a number of user experience bugs that were produced when testing. These have now been fixed in the code.
Using tools such as W3C validator and Lighthouse gives visibility of any code, scripts or elements that are causing any errors. The results for the site are as follows:
As part of the performance test through Lighthouse, some changes were made:
This app has been tested by a small group of 5 users in which some feedback was captured in the design and some errors in functionality and spelling were corrected.
UI improvements made:
Here details the bugs that could not be fixed:
This website was deployed using GitPages and following the below steps:
GitHub pages deployment
Please note it can take a while for this link to become fully active.
Forking the GitHub Repository
To make changes to this repository without affecting it, a copy can be made by 'Forking' it. This ensures the original repository remains unchanged.
Cloning the GitHub Repository
Cloning a repository will allow a local version of the repository will be downloaded so can be worked on. Cloning is also a great way to backup work.
Logos and Fonts:
Tutorials and support:
Any photos used throughout the website, have been taken by the developer.
As mentioned in the design section, competitor research was conducted. These are credited below:
A special thanks to Akshat Garg who helped with the development of the site by checking code, testing and suggesting new methods to try.