Amazinite / Shields-Up

The (in)famous Shields Up plugin for Endless Sky!
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Some random ideas to make Servorum outfits unique #64

Closed Amazinite closed 7 years ago

Amazinite commented 7 years ago

I'm wanting to give the Servorum their own T1.5 outfits. Here's some random ideas on what to do with them.

Disiuze commented 7 years ago

Everything sounds good in my opinion, don't know what Friendly feels about it though.

gunqqer commented 7 years ago

I like the idea of integrated afterburners that don't use fuel

Amazinite commented 7 years ago

Thinking up some random names.

Engines (Names after constellations)

Tiny: Aries Small: Draco Medium: Hydra Large: Orion Huge: Sagittarius

Energy Storage (Names after gemstones)

Tiny: Zircon Power Storage Small: Sapphire Power Storage Medium: Ruby Power Storage Large: Emerald Power Storage Huge: Diamond Power Storage

Energy Generation (Random names)

Tiny: Piezoelectric Generator (name sounds cool, but the actual method of electricity making is probably completely shit IRL. Also not alphabetical, soooo....) Medium: Cold Fusion Reactor Large: Gravitational Induction Core Huge: Plasmatic Fusion Ring


Small: Dynamic Heat Pump (the dynamic part is to make it sound cool) Large: Absolute Zero Cooling

Amazinite commented 7 years ago
outfit "Overdrive Aries Thruster"
    category "Engines"
    "cost" 95000
    thumbnail "outfit/unknown"
    "mass" 9
    "outfit space" -9
    "engine capacity" -9
    "thrust" 6.8
    "afterburner thrust" 6.8
    "thrusting energy" 3.4
    "afterburner energy" 6.8
    "thrusting heat" .9
    "afterburner heat" 1.8
    "flare sprite" "effect/plasma flare/tiny"
        "frame rate" 5
    "flare sound" "plasma tiny"
    "afterburner effect" "afterburner"

description "Servorum Overdrive Thrusters have the interesting characteristic of possessing integrated afterburners. Activating these afterburners doubles the effective thrust but triples the amount of energy used and heat produced."

outfit "Overdrive Aries Steering"
    category "Engines"
    "cost" 195000
    thumbnail "outfit/unknown"
    "mass" 18
    "outfit space" -18
    "engine capacity" -18
    "turn" 484
    "turning energy" 3.1
    "turning heat" 0.8
    "energy capacity" 580

description "Unlike the engines of other species, the Servorum have developed their steering outfits to be larger than their thruster outfits of the same size. This is to allow more space to integrate batteries into the steering that support the Overdrive Afterburners on the thrusters."

Amazinite commented 7 years ago
outfit "Zircon Power Storage"
    category "Power"
    cost 40000
    thumbnail "outfit/unknown"
    "mass" 20
    "outfit space" -20
    "energy capacity" 1800
    "shield generation" 0.4
    "shield energy" 0.6

description "Servorum power storage systems double as shield generators for their ships. Although the energy capacity efficiency decreases as the size increases, the shield generation greatly increases."

Amazinite commented 7 years ago

27e6de7 Enjoy.

Amazinite commented 7 years ago

Just need to give them some more weapons.