AmericaSCORESBayArea / AmericaScores-CoachApp

React native based mobile app for Americas scores attendance management
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Coach App home presents & provides quick access to non-session tasks #537

Open CritiqalPete opened 2 weeks ago

CritiqalPete commented 2 weeks ago


This user story demonstrates the value of having tasks appear in the same general space with Sessions on the Home Screen


The Design needs to reflect the goals and interactions described here and clarify how this type of tasks will fit into the visual/cognitive space of the app without making it much more difficult to read and recognize at a glance

UX Story:

Coach is in the initial weeks of the new season. They have a few days remaining to complete an online form necessary to fulfill a certification requirements. They also want to view a training video made by one of the leadership team. Today is a regular soccer session.

Vertical Order Reflects Task Importance and Scheduling

They arrive at the school 2 hours before the Session. To get through their tasks, they open the Coach App...

  1. The Home View shows today's Soccer Session on top.
  2. They already know that when it's time to add students, they will switch to the Teams View and to take attendance, they can get to that view by tapping the Session box at the top of their Home View
  3. Below the today's session they see a box for tomorrow's session
  4. below tomorrow's session and because they have due dates at the end of the week, they see two non-session tasks, distictly different than a session and easy to read
  5. Scrolling further down, they see next week's sessions and tasks and so on...

    Some Scheduled Tasks are Non-Session Types

  6. Tapping on the first non-session box titled "Oakland Unified Coach Certificate Form" and due date of Friday, Sept 13, 2024, the popup appears:
  7. "This will open in a browser window. Do you want to continue? [yes][no]"
  8. Choosing yes, the browser opens to a URL associated with that task when it was created in salesforce and assigned to this Coach
  9. After they finish the form they switch back to the Coach app on their phone.
  10. Because it was external and completed manually, the popup now shows "Did you complete: Oakland Unified Coach Certificate Form? [Yes][No]
  11. Since the form was completed the coach selects Yes. 12.ALTERNATIVE: If the form was not completed, the coach selects No. And since the task was irrelevant, the coach finds the [X] to cancel and remove that from their queue, after confirming. (
  12. They can also change the due date and description of the task if they need to

    Coach Can Create Tasks For Themselves

  13. The (+)NEW button is visible in the Task List View
  14. Tapping New opens a form to create a task

    Personal Tasks Are Different from SCORES Tasks

  15. The Coach elects to create a personal task to run an errand after tomorrow's Session. They choose this type and select a date-time they know is right. They enter a description, using their mobile text-to-speech feature to dictate it.
  16. Once they Save, the task appears in the right order (by time) and visually distinct from the other, SCORES tasks
  17. All status and content changes are reflected in a PATCH/POST to Salesforce
  18. A Button in a prominent position in the UI reminds the coach to SAVE their changes, which could include multiple items the button would be a bright and critical color since there is some risk of data loss if it is not posted[POST MVP???]

    [POST MVP] Coach can re-order tasks and the app will remember this order

  19. Coach can re-order items in their queue by long-press/hold and drag. This does not change their properties, such as dates and therefore they can put something due later above something due sooner. For now this "preferred order" might only be store locally on the device but can also be reflected in the Priority field in the Task Obejct.### Dependencies:
CritiqalPete commented 2 weeks ago

@nismail1 we will need mockups @ZombieWoofers and @maaziqbalz2a this brought up a concern about how coaches manage completion and other aspects of these tasks as well as when is appropriate to update Salesforce. The 'hot button' is one idea that stays bright any time there is an unsaved change. Open to review & discussion