AmericaSCORESBayArea / student-registration

Student families need to easily access their records and waivers at least once per year. This service needs to be paper-free, secure, and reliable... and a future standard for school districts and youth-focused nonprofits/volunteer organizations. Interfaces with Mulesoft API's and Salesforce.
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New student records have incorrect Contact_Type__c assigned #224

Open CritiqalPete opened 2 years ago

CritiqalPete commented 2 years ago

The latest records have the value 01250000000VBbXAAW and not "SCORES Student" which is expected/required.

This should not be confused with RecordTypeID which is correct

CritiqalPete commented 2 years ago
0031T00004R8aSSQAZ testing app testing integration 01250000000VBbXAAW 01250000000VBbXAAW 9/15/2022 9/15/2022 John Muir Elementary School
0031T00004R8a8OQAR testing integration api testing integration api 01250000000VBbXAAW 01250000000VBbXAAW 9/15/2022 9/15/2022 John Muir Elementary School
0031T00004R8ZGWQA3 testing integration testing integration 01250000000VBbXAAW 01250000000VBbXAAW 9/15/2022 9/15/2022 ER Taylor Elementary School
0031T00004R8XbSQAV testing apii testing api 01250000000VBbXAAW 01250000000VBbXAAW 9/15/2022 9/15/2022 Manzanita Community School & Manzanita SEED
0031T00004R8XQPQA3 testing api testing api 01250000000VBbXAAW 01250000000VBbXAAW 9/15/2022 9/15/2022 Everett Middle School
0031T00004R8Fm8QAF PeteTest22 PeteTest222 01250000000VBbXAAW 01250000000VBbXAAW 9/14/2022 9/15/2022 Bessie Carmichael Elementary School
0031T00004R82oYQAR peteTesting peteTesting 01250000000VBbXAAW 01250000000VBbXAAW 9/13/2022 9/14/2022 Bessie Carmichael Elementary School