I don't think that this is a new (3.9.10) problem, but at least it's in AmiBlitz 3.9.10. With Blitz Basic 2.10 I don't have this problem:
Using this code the shapes (the "please wait" is a shape!) will be blitted on the window and as a shapegadget. This works on Kick 3.1 and 3.2. But when I try it on Kick 2.0 with WB 2.0, it shows garbled graphics or nothing at all:
FindScreen 0
LoadShape 1,"wait.bsh"
LoadShape 5,"stop.bsh"
LoadShape 6,"stop2.bsh"
ShapeGadget 1,90,60, 0,3,5,6 ;Stopp
DefaultIDCMP $40|$100|$200
Window 1,150,80,277,105,winflags,"Shapetest",0,1,1
Use Window 1
WJam 0
WBlit 1,10,30
If ev=$200 Then End ;close-Gadget selected
This is the result on Kick 2.0. On the left-hand-side you can see the executable that has been created using AmiBlitz 3.9.10, on the right-hand-side you see the expected result using the executable from BlitzBasic 2.10.
I don't think that this is a new (3.9.10) problem, but at least it's in AmiBlitz 3.9.10. With Blitz Basic 2.10 I don't have this problem:
Using this code the shapes (the "please wait" is a shape!) will be blitted on the window and as a shapegadget. This works on Kick 3.1 and 3.2. But when I try it on Kick 2.0 with WB 2.0, it shows garbled graphics or nothing at all:
This is the result on Kick 2.0. On the left-hand-side you can see the executable that has been created using AmiBlitz 3.9.10, on the right-hand-side you see the expected result using the executable from BlitzBasic 2.10.
Here are the executables and the shapes: shapetest2.zip