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"Screen Copy Logic to Physic" not working with screen width>1024 #6

Open huggy70 opened 3 years ago

huggy70 commented 3 years ago


tried the new enhanced screen width feature with a double buffered screen in lores with 32 colors. If the width of the screen is bigger than 1024 the screen copy function fails to copy the screen and will do nothing.

AmiDARK commented 3 years ago


Did you experience this issue in ECS, AGA or both ? Can you provide me a small source code sample that reproduce this issue ?


huggy70 commented 3 years ago

It is on AGA, don't know about ECS

Please try this:

Screen Open 3,800,640,32,LORES

Double Buffer 
Autoback 0

For X=1 To 800 Step 20
   Y=Rnd(200) : Ink Rnd(31) : Bar X,Y To X+20,Y+20
Next X

Screen Copy Logic To Physic

Run program, when finished go to direct mode and enter 'Screen Swap'. Both logical and physical screen are identical Then replace Screen Open with width of e.g. 1040 and do the same. Physical screen is not or not fully updated.


AmiDARK commented 3 years ago

Hello Huggy70. Tested. I got no copy or an Amos Pro crash.

Initially Amos Professional didn't allow screens width > 1024. I think there must be optimisation that causes this issue. Considered it as MAJOR bug. Will fix it for the next release.