AndlyticsProject / andlytics

Google Play - Android Market statistics app
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Adaptive icons #759

Open BoondoggleLabs opened 6 years ago

BoondoggleLabs commented 6 years ago

Would you be interested in adding support for adaptive icons to Andlytics?

I've drawn up a couple of versions, the first is trying to keep in line with the current logo. The second is my own adaptation. Let me know if you'd be interested in either - I can create a pull request or just attach pngs.

nelenkov commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for you proposal. Looks good, could you create a PR and will include with the new release. I like the second version, but not sure how well it aligns with the other colors/images in the app. Have you tried actually including it in the app?

BoondoggleLabs commented 6 years ago


I seem to be failing to create a pull request - I've forgotten how to use github! I also can't get the project to build as the repo for achartengine seems to be down so I haven't been able to test anything.

I've combined the two designs I made so that it aligns with the app better. Here are the files you'd need to add the adaptive icon: adaptive

You'd also need to update the targetapi to 26 or above.
