Andre0512 / hon

Home Assistant integration for Haier hOn: support for Haier/Candy/Hoover home appliances like washing machines and air conditioners in 28 languages.
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Connection sensor shows as connected all the time. #43

Closed finalbillybong closed 11 months ago

finalbillybong commented 1 year ago

Two out of my three Haier appliances show as Connected all the time when powered on regardless of whether they are in remote mode or not.

My dishwasher works as expected (Connected when in remote mode, Disconnected when not) but my tumble dryer and washing machine do not.

Andre0512 commented 1 year ago

Hi, which entity do you mean? That the controls (start/pause) show as available even when the machine is disconnected? I just noticed that this seems to be a bit buggy from the api (my tumble dryer shows remote control available but is disconnected, I will add an additional check and fix this). This should rework anyway, I just have some thoughts about this and created discussion #44 :slightly_smiling_face:

finalbillybong commented 1 year ago

As you described in the issue linked the entity in the screenshot is showing as ‘Connected’ when the machine is on and not controllable as well as on and controllable. IMG_0613

Andre0512 commented 11 months ago

Fixed in the latest version :slightly_smiling_face:

finalbillybong commented 11 months ago

Thank you