Anees-ur-Rehman-1 / DevOps-repo

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Design and Implementation of a Secure and Scalable Blockchain-Based Voting System #13

Open Anees-ur-Rehman-1 opened 1 year ago

Anees-ur-Rehman-1 commented 1 year ago

Problem statement: Traditional voting systems often suffer from issues such as fraud, voter suppression, and low turnout. A blockchain-based voting system could potentially provide a more secure and transparent alternative.

Conduct a literature review of existing research on blockchain-based voting systems and security protocols. Design and implement a blockchain-based voting system using a suitable blockchain platform such as Ethereum or Hyperledger. Implement a secure authentication mechanism for voters, such as biometric identification or two-factor authentication. Conduct a security analysis of the system to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. Evaluate the performance and scalability of the system using metrics such as transaction throughput and latency. Write a report summarizing your research, methodology, and findings.