Opening this as new question since I guess it is not related to the 405 issue itself, probably some misconfiguration after upgrade.
I have managed to build my project using the master branch of django-microsoft-auth after hit the title issue.
Additionally to using the master branch I added to :
It builds but does not work properly:
I can see the microsoft login popup and after type login and password
it logins, but I am redireted to the 'login with microsoft or password' popup as if it was not logged
i know it logs in because I have a post-login django-signal event that is fired each time I log in: @receiver(user_logged_in)
any attempt to access to a login-protected url is redirected to the 'login with microsoft or password popup.
Maybe I am overlooking something after the version upgrade?
Opening this as new question since I guess it is not related to the 405 issue itself, probably some misconfiguration after upgrade.
I have managed to build my project using the master branch of django-microsoft-auth after hit the title issue. Additionally to using the master branch I added to : MICROSOFT_AUTH_AUTO_REPLACE_ACCOUNTS = True MICROSOFT_AUTH_REGISTER_INACTIVE_ADMIN = True
It builds but does not work properly:
Maybe I am overlooking something after the version upgrade?