Angry-Pixel / The-Betweenlands

A dark, hostile environment...
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BL Guidebook #174

Open TripleHeadedSheep opened 8 years ago

TripleHeadedSheep commented 8 years ago

This book will be an overall in-game guide and journal for the player. In fact, it is a small wiki. It will contain different tabs (which can also contain different tabs):

Book intro welcomes the player to the book and explains the navigation briefly

Lore contains the main BL lore and contains all found pieces of lore/ traveler's journals etc. by the player.

Mechanics explains the mechanics of the game (no shit Sherlock) such as Decay, Corrosion, Farming, Events, Herblore and more in the future. Each mechanic will be under a different tab rather than just a lot of pages. This helps for easier navigation.

Dungeons explains the different types/categories of dungeons, how and where they generate and what mobs they could contain. It also shows the lootable blocks to be found in them, like chests, pots, idols and so on. It will NOT spoil the traps. This would ruïn the fun suprise. Maybe wer could make it so that it shows only the traps discovered (activated) by the player so far.

Mobs contains pages of all mobs. This includes a picture, stats, spawn, lore and some trivia. However, again to not spoil anything, the mobs are only added when the player spots them (pokédex yay!). This could perhaps work with the crosshairs.

Collectables shows all categories of collectables and your progress on them (see the collectables issue). It also gives a very short description of the categories. When you click on a category, it will show all your found pieces within that category.

Questlog shows your current quests, your progress on them and explains/hints to the next step. When a quest is finished it will show up in the 'finished' list.

Object identification holds one slot in which the player can put any block or item from the mod. It then will give a short description of that object.

Notes gives the player the option to write down notes or make small checklists. This will make the book more interactable, and feel like a personal journal. It also is quite useful ;)

I have a few basic sketches of the layout of the tabs and all, but we will need to discuss that once we work on it.

You'll get the book upon starting a new world, or entering the BL. It can always be spawned again with a hotkey, so you won't lose it. Or maybe it could become a button in the inventory.

MrCompost commented 8 years ago

Closed until Len gets back.

TripleHeadedSheep commented 8 years ago

Posting this here, just so I can find the link ;)

MrCompost commented 8 years ago

Closed again for now, lets just finish the herblore one first.