AnnaIvanova / UE4AdBoxPlugin

Plugin that adds AdMob interstitial support for Android platform in UE4 blueprints
MIT License
17 stars 10 forks source link


Plugin that adds AdMob interstitial support, AdColony interstitial video and reward video support and Chartboost interstitial (static and video) and reward video support for Android platform in UE4 blueprints.

For UE4 starting from 4.10.

To use AdColony advertisement you need to create a component - AdColony Component and call its corresponding funcions (listed below). To use Chartboost advertisement you need to create a component - Chartboost Component and call its corresponding funcions (listed below). There should be only one component of AdColony Component type, and, similary, there should be only one component of Chartboost Component type in your application. In other case only the last created component will recieve events from Java. This plugin doesn't provide any check of number of these components.

AdMob function library:

Chartboost Component functions: Event Dispatchers:


AdColony Component functions: Event Dispatchers:


AdMobID is an index from [Project Settings -> Platforms -> Android -> Ad Mob Ad Unit IDs] ShowAdInterstitial can be called without calling PreloadAdInterstitial, but in this case it will take time to load data for interstitial.

Please add the following strings to DefaultEngine.ini.





Please note that codes in [Advertisement] section are only for testing. They are taken from AdColony examples.

Please chech your build.cs file. The following code should be present.

if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android)
    PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay", "AndroidAdvertising" });

Many thanks to Timberlake for this video

Plugin Installation

There are two ways to use the plugin:

If you are using the plugin in the Engine your steps should be:

  1. Download UE4 (version 4.10+) from github and run setup.bat
  2. Copy AdBox folder to the Engine's Plugin folder
  3. Regenerate and rebuild the Engine
  4. Switch Unreal Engine version of your project to this custom version
  5. Start Editor with your project

If you are using the plugin in the Game your steps should be:

  1. Game should be a C++ code project
  2. Copy AdBox folder to the Game's Plugin folder
  3. Generate Visual Studio project files
  4. Build your Game
  5. Start Editor with your project

You can find details about UE4 plugins here: