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Rebuild website using mkdocs (#316) #331

Open nopeitsnothing opened 1 year ago

nopeitsnothing commented 1 year ago

Rebuild website using mkdocs

Branch: devel branch Tag (signed) v2.0.0-dev

You can follow development here. I signed the devel tag already.

Tag can be checked out here

$ version=2.0.0-dev
$ git checkout mkdocs-rebuild
$ git verify-tag v$version

How it works

Simply install mkdocs using your package manager. Then, install the dependencies. Then, run mkdocs serve to build and run the website locally under the 2.0.0-dev tag. If you still see a Gemfile and Gemfile.lock then you are fine, just ignore them in your .gitignore, or literally just ignore them.


Get python.

Get mkdocs.

pip install mkdocs
mkdocs --version

Get pyenv for best results.

# you may need to install the dependencies
sudo apt install zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libbz2-dev libsqlite3-dev
curl | bash
pyenv init

Add this in your .bashrc or profile somewhere.

export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH" 

Run pyenv install 3.10



Tracking #316

ghost commented 11 months ago

I'm not sure you'll get a better results using mkdocs than the current setup too. Might not be worth the effort.

Interesting read on the matter:

Edit: yes it's a plug-in but I was too lazy to read 5 lines. Sorry. But I still think it might not be worth the effort.

Edit 2: This is an AES encrypted steganographic ‍‍⁢‌⁡‍⁢⁡‌⁡⁢⁢‌‍⁢⁣⁡‌⁡⁢⁣⁢⁢⁡⁢⁡‍‍‌‍‍⁤⁢‌⁢‍‍‌⁢⁣⁢⁣‍⁢⁢⁢‍⁢⁤⁡⁢‍‍⁣⁡‍‍‍⁢‍⁢⁡⁢‍⁢⁢⁡‍⁤⁡⁣⁡⁢⁤⁢‌⁢⁢⁤‍⁢‌⁢⁢‍⁡‌‍‌⁢⁤⁡‌⁡‍⁢⁢‍⁡‍‌‍⁡⁢‌⁡‌⁢⁢‌⁢‌‍⁢⁤⁢‌‍⁡⁢⁣‍⁡‌⁢‍⁤‌⁡‌⁡‍‍⁡‍⁤‍‍⁢‍‌⁢⁢‍⁢⁡⁢⁣⁢⁤⁢‌⁢⁡‍⁡⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁡‌⁢⁡‌⁢‍‍‍⁡‍‌⁤⁡⁢⁡⁢‌⁡‌‍⁡‍⁢⁡⁢⁢‍‌⁢‌‍⁤‍⁣⁡⁢‌‍⁡‍‌‍‌‍⁢⁣‌⁡‍‌‍⁢⁢‌‍⁣‍‌⁢‍⁢‍‍⁡‌⁤⁡‌⁢‍⁣‌⁡⁢⁡‌⁢⁡‍⁢⁣⁢‌‍‌⁡⁣⁣‌⁢⁤‍⁡⁣‍‍⁤⁡⁢⁡⁢⁤‍⁢‌⁡‍⁡⁣‍⁢‌‍⁢⁢‌‍‌⁢‌⁢‌⁢‍⁡⁣‌⁢‍⁡⁢‌‍⁢‌⁡‍‍⁡‌⁡⁢⁢⁡⁣‍‍⁡⁢⁢‍‍‌⁢‌‍⁡‌‍⁢⁡‌‍‍⁡‍‌‍‌‍⁤⁢⁢‍⁡‌⁤‍‌⁢⁢⁡‌⁢⁢⁣⁡‌⁢⁢⁢‍⁡‍‍⁢‍‍‍⁡⁢‍⁡⁢‌⁡⁢‌⁡⁢⁢‍⁤⁤⁡⁣‍⁢‍‌⁡‍⁡‌‍⁡‌⁡⁢⁡‌‍‌⁤⁤⁡⁣‌⁡‌‍⁡‍‍⁣⁢⁢⁢⁢⁡‍⁤‌⁡‍⁡⁢⁢‌‍⁢‍‌‍‍‌⁢⁡⁣⁤⁢⁢⁣⁢‍⁢‌⁢‌‍⁤‍‍⁢⁡‍⁡‍‍⁤‍⁡⁢‌⁡‍⁢⁤⁣⁡⁣‍⁢‍⁡‍‍⁡‍⁢‌⁡⁢⁡⁣‍⁡‍⁢⁡⁣⁡⁢‍‍⁢⁢⁣‍⁡⁢⁡‍‍‍‍⁡‌‍⁢⁢‍⁡⁢⁣⁢⁢‍⁢‍‍⁣‌‍⁢‍‍⁢‌⁡‌⁤⁢⁣‌⁡‍⁣‌⁢⁣⁢⁢⁣⁢⁡⁢⁡⁢⁣‍⁡‍‌⁢⁢‍‌⁡⁣‍⁡‍‌⁤‍‍‍⁡‌⁢⁢‌‍‍⁡⁢⁡‍⁡⁣⁤⁢‍⁡‍‌⁢‍⁤‍⁡‍‌⁢⁤⁡⁣‌⁡‌⁡⁢‍‍⁤‍⁤⁢‍‍‍⁢‍⁣⁢‍⁢‍⁣⁣‌‍⁤‍‍⁡‍‍⁡‍‍⁤⁢‌⁡⁢‌‍‍⁢‌⁢⁢‍‍‍⁡‌⁢⁣⁢‍⁡⁢‍‍⁤⁣‌⁡⁢‍‍‌⁡⁢‍‍⁣‌⁢⁤⁡⁢‍⁡⁢⁢⁡‌⁡⁣⁢⁢‍⁢‍⁢⁢⁢‍⁢⁤‍⁢‍‍⁣⁣‌⁡‍⁡⁢⁡‌⁢⁤‍‌⁢‍⁡‌‍⁢⁢⁡‍⁢⁢‍⁣⁢⁣edit, case sensitive password hint: "it's been found ineffective in humans."