AnonSolutions / django-indy-community

Django wrapper for a cloud-base Hyperledger Indy Agent
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Creating POC #32

Closed koptan closed 5 years ago

koptan commented 5 years ago

Hi ,

I want to create POC has been requested from my company .

The POC is should be like the following scenario :

1- User Registration for individual . eg : (User1) 2- Government Registration - like Ministry of Interior . eg: (Gov1)
3- Connection will happened between User1 and Gov1 4- User1 will ask Gov1 for his Government Id . 5- Gov1 will send it to User1 .

So the question is ... how to start building the above scenario with this framework .

I have good exprine in Indy ,,, i just need some hints and step on the framework .

ianco commented 5 years ago

Hi, you can just check out this repository and run the demo from the docker directory, it loads a demonstration scenario which includes some organizations and sample schemas. I'll record a short video and add a link on the site so you can get an idea about what is there and what are the options to configure it.

ianco commented 5 years ago

Check this out:

koptan commented 5 years ago

Very helpful demonstration , I will try to run it locally then i will come back to you if i need anything .