AnthonyHuo / SDP

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When can I get the dataset? #5

Closed Ethan-Chen-plus closed 4 days ago

Ethan-Chen-plus commented 1 week ago


I've submitted the Request access, please.

AnthonyHuo commented 6 days ago

you can go to repo, they have updated the dataset.

Ethan-Chen-plus commented 6 days ago

Thanks a lot. I have got the dataset. But an error occurs:

Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
File /data/ckw/micromamba/envs/sdp/lib/python3.9/site-packages/hydra/_internal/instantiate/, in _call_target(_target_, _partial_, args, kwargs, full_key)
     91 try:
---> 92     return _target_(*args, **kwargs)
     93 except Exception as e:

File /data/ckw/07robo/04sdp/SDP/diffusion_policy/env_runner/, in RobomimicImageRunner.__init__(self, output_dir, dataset_path, shape_meta, n_train, n_train_vis, train_start_idx, n_test, n_test_vis, test_start_seed, max_steps, n_obs_steps, n_action_steps, render_obs_key, fps, crf, past_action, abs_action, tqdm_interval_sec, n_envs)
    216     env_init_fn_dills.append(dill.dumps(init_fn))
--> 218 env = AsyncVectorEnv(env_fns, dummy_env_fn=dummy_env_fn)
    219 # env = SyncVectorEnv(env_fns)

File /data/ckw/07robo/04sdp/SDP/diffusion_policy/gym_util/, in AsyncVectorEnv.__init__(self, env_fns, dummy_env_fn, observation_space, action_space, shared_memory, copy, context, daemon, worker)
    101     dummy_env_fn = env_fns[0]
--> 102 dummy_env = dummy_env_fn()
    103 self.metadata = dummy_env.metadata

File /data/ckw/07robo/04sdp/SDP/diffusion_policy/env_runner/, in RobomimicImageRunner.__init__.<locals>.dummy_env_fn()
    126 def dummy_env_fn():
--> 127     robomimic_env = create_env(
    128             env_meta=env_meta, 
    129             shape_meta=shape_meta,
    130             enable_render=False
    131         )
    132     return MultiStepWrapper(
    133         VideoRecordingWrapper(
    134             RobomimicImageWrapper(
    153         max_episode_steps=max_steps
    154     )

File /data/ckw/07robo/04sdp/SDP/diffusion_policy/env_runner/, in create_env(env_meta, shape_meta, enable_render)
     31 ObsUtils.initialize_obs_modality_mapping_from_dict(modality_mapping)
---> 33 env = EnvUtils.create_env_from_metadata(
     34     env_meta=env_meta,
     35     render=False, 
     36     render_offscreen=enable_render,
     37     use_image_obs=enable_render, 
     38 )
     39 return env

File /data/ckw/07robo/04sdp/robomimic_pkg/robomimic/utils/, in create_env_from_metadata(env_meta, env_name, render, render_offscreen, use_image_obs)
    216 env_kwargs = env_meta["env_kwargs"]
--> 218 env = create_env(
    219     env_type=env_type,
    220     env_name=env_name,  
    221     render=render, 
    222     render_offscreen=render_offscreen, 
    223     use_image_obs=use_image_obs, 
    224     **env_kwargs,
    225 )
    226 check_env_version(env, env_meta)

File /data/ckw/07robo/04sdp/robomimic_pkg/robomimic/utils/, in create_env(env_type, env_name, render, render_offscreen, use_image_obs, **kwargs)
    168 env_class = get_env_class(env_type=env_type)
--> 169 env = env_class(
    170     env_name=env_name, 
    171     render=render, 
    172     render_offscreen=render_offscreen, 
    173     use_image_obs=use_image_obs,
    174     postprocess_visual_obs=True,
    175     **kwargs,
    176 )
    177 print("Created environment with name {}".format(env_name))

File /data/ckw/07robo/04sdp/robomimic_pkg/robomimic/envs/, in EnvRobosuite.__init__(self, env_name, render, render_offscreen, use_image_obs, postprocess_visual_obs, **kwargs)
     92 self._init_kwargs = deepcopy(kwargs)
---> 93 self.env = robosuite.make(self._env_name, **kwargs)
     95 if self._is_v1:
     96     # Make sure joint position observations and eef vel observations are active

File /data/ckw/07robo/04sdp/robosuite_pkg/robosuite/environments/, in make(env_name, *args, **kwargs)
     34 if env_name not in REGISTERED_ENVS:
---> 35     raise Exception(
     36         "Environment {} not found. Make sure it is a registered environment among: {}".format(
     37             env_name, ", ".join(REGISTERED_ENVS)
     38         )
     39     )
     40 return REGISTERED_ENVS[env_name](*args, **kwargs)

Exception: Environment Square_D0 not found. Make sure it is a registered environment among: Lift, Stack, NutAssembly, NutAssemblySingle, NutAssemblySquare, NutAssemblyRound, PickPlace, PickPlaceSingle, PickPlaceMilk, PickPlaceBread, PickPlaceCereal, PickPlaceCan, Door, Wipe, ToolHang, TwoArmLift, TwoArmPegInHole, TwoArmHandover, TwoArmTransport

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

InstantiationException                    Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[15], line 1
----> 1

File /data/ckw/07robo/04sdp/SDP/diffusion_policy/workspace/, in
    124 # env_runner3: BaseImageRunner
    125 for i in range(cfg.task_num):
--> 126     env_runners.append(hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg[f'task{i}'].env_runner, output_dir=self.output_dir))
    127     assert isinstance(env_runners[i], BaseImageRunner)
    130 # configure logging

File /data/ckw/micromamba/envs/sdp/lib/python3.9/site-packages/hydra/_internal/instantiate/, in instantiate(config, *args, **kwargs)
    219     _convert_ = config.pop(_Keys.CONVERT, ConvertMode.NONE)
    220     _partial_ = config.pop(_Keys.PARTIAL, False)
--> 222     return instantiate_node(
    223         config, *args, recursive=_recursive_, convert=_convert_, partial=_partial_
    224     )
    225 elif OmegaConf.is_list(config):
    226     # Finalize config (convert targets to strings, merge with kwargs)
    227     config_copy = copy.deepcopy(config)

File /data/ckw/micromamba/envs/sdp/lib/python3.9/site-packages/hydra/_internal/instantiate/, in instantiate_node(node, convert, recursive, partial, *args)
    334                 value = instantiate_node(
    335                     value, convert=convert, recursive=recursive
    336                 )
    337             kwargs[key] = _convert_node(value, convert)
--> 339     return _call_target(_target_, partial, args, kwargs, full_key)
    340 else:
    341     # If ALL or PARTIAL non structured, instantiate in dict and resolve interpolations eagerly.
    342     if convert == ConvertMode.ALL or (
    343         convert == ConvertMode.PARTIAL
    344         and node._metadata.object_type in (None, dict)
    345     ):

File /data/ckw/micromamba/envs/sdp/lib/python3.9/site-packages/hydra/_internal/instantiate/, in _call_target(_target_, _partial_, args, kwargs, full_key)
     95 if full_key:
     96     msg += f"\nfull_key: {full_key}"
---> 97 raise InstantiationException(msg) from e

InstantiationException: Error in call to target 'diffusion_policy.env_runner.robomimic_image_runner.RobomimicImageRunner':
Exception('Environment Square_D0 not found. Make sure it is a registered environment among: Lift, Stack, NutAssembly, NutAssemblySingle, NutAssemblySquare, NutAssemblyRound, PickPlace, PickPlaceSingle, PickPlaceMilk, PickPlaceBread, PickPlaceCereal, PickPlaceCan, Door, Wipe, ToolHang, TwoArmLift, TwoArmPegInHole, TwoArmHandover, TwoArmTransport')
full_key: task0.env_runner

How to solve it? Thanks for your helping!!

AnthonyHuo commented 6 days ago

oops! It seems new version do not have squre_d0 dataset, you can modify the dataset used in config.yaml, I will also check if I can find the orginal data link.

Ethan-Chen-plus commented 6 days ago

Thanks a lot. I use this script:

python --dataset_type core --tasks coffee_d0 coffee_preparation_d0 hammer_cleanup_d0 kitchen_d0 mug_cleanup_d0 nut_assembly_d0 pick_place_d0 square_d0 stack_d0 stack_three_d0 threading_d0 three_piece_assembly_d0


It seemed to be ok and I can see the dataset. Also I changed the dataset path: image It can smoothly generate Zarr. image

However this still occurs:

InstantiationException: Error in call to target 'diffusion_policy.env_runner.robomimic_image_runner.RobomimicImageRunner':
Exception('Environment Square_D0 not found. Make sure it is a registered environment among: Lift, Stack, NutAssembly, NutAssemblySingle, NutAssemblySquare, NutAssemblyRound, PickPlace, PickPlaceSingle, PickPlaceMilk, PickPlaceBread, PickPlaceCereal, PickPlaceCan, Door, Wipe, ToolHang, TwoArmLift, TwoArmPegInHole, TwoArmHandover, TwoArmTransport')
full_key: task0.env_runner

Thanks. I need your help please.

Ethan-Chen-plus commented 6 days ago

Hello! I'm here to ask whether you have solved it and could you please give me more infomation for how to use the or generate more config for the data? Or maybe I've used the wrong version. I sincerely need your help.@AnthonyHuo

Ethan-Chen-plus commented 4 days ago

@AnthonyHuo Thanks a lot. This issue has been solved. Here:

Ethan-Chen-plus commented 4 days ago

@AnthonyHuo Thanks a lot. This issue has been solved. Here: