Anushka-Bhowmick / Supnits-Classes

It is a generalised website for an educational institute comprising of different articles, sections, courses, mentors and testimonials provided by the institute. It can be used for multiple purposes by changing the fields as and when required.
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Font color problem in the footer. #56

Open dr-naikare opened 2 months ago

dr-naikare commented 2 months ago

Switching to dark mode changes the color of some text to a very light shade. Correcting this would be my first public contribution so can you assign this to me?

Here is the image of the problem image

Anushka-Bhowmick commented 2 months ago

Switching to dark mode changes the color of some text to a very light shade. Correcting this would be my first public contribution so can you assign this to me?

Here is the image of the problem image

you can start working on it.